United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I'll tell you what," said the child, "if you don't ask Uncle Philip pretty soon somebody will ask him first, and you'll be too late. As soon as I saw Boots I knew that I wanted him for myself, and I told him so. He said he was very glad I had spoken, because he was expecting a proposal by wireless from the young Sultana-elect of Leyte. Now," added the child with satisfaction, "she can't have him.

I don't care for the interminable Shakespeare nuisance, you know; that's all too new and made up; we could raise a Shakespeare house like that in Kansas City any day. But the church and the elms and the swans and the river! I made such a sweet little sketch of them all, so soft and peaceful.

"If you don't, I'll go on by myself and meet you at the nursery." The dispute was a daily occurrence and always ended in the man weakly giving in. "That's a dear boy," said his sister consolingly, when she had gained her point. "Yes, that's all very well," grumbled the brother. "You've got your own way, as usual. I hope you won't have cause to regret it one day." "Don't be silly, dear.

"Don't ask me, Harper," he said. "Of what use a disguise that my friends all understood?" "Is this because you fear to trust me, after what has happened, Dyke?" "No; but I prefer to keep my own counsel!" "And you are right." "I am glad you admit it." The friends then left the room. At the last moment, Dyke Darrel decided on accompanying the remains of Captain Osborne's daughter to Burlington.

You don't know me, but I do know you, you see. I know that a year ago Anna Czarnik would have been the most interesting thing in this town, for you. You'd have copied her clothes, and got a translation of her sob song, and made her as real to a thousand audiences as she was to us this morning; tragic history, patient animal face, comic shoes and all. And that's the trouble with you, my dear.

"We don't want to take a large party, and I confess the water transport has bothered me very much. The wind-mill, I am afraid, we must leave to some other time, but the other part of your scheme is worth placing before practical men, and I will give you a letter to a friend of mine who had a boat built on the Thames."

Tribesmen knew their deaths in mid-leap, and as they fell, their brothers surged over them in a roaring, irresistible wave. In the forefront of the rush, hair flying and arms swinging free, flashing past the tree-trunks, and leaping the obstructing logs, came Thom. Fairfax sighted on her and almost pulled trigger ere he knew her. "The woman! Don't shoot!" he cried. "See! She is unarmed!"

Levitt and people less, it would be a good thing." "It's too late to think about Fanny now. That's only your sweetness and goodness." "Please don't lie. If you really thought me sweet and good you wouldn't expect me to be a substitute for Mrs. Levitt." "Don't talk about Mrs. Levitt. Do you suppose I think of you in the same sentence? That was a different thing altogether." "Was it?

"Boston isn't a bad place, at the worst, in summer," said the son, declining to take up the matter in its ironical shape. "I dare say it isn't, compared with Texas," returned the father, smoking tranquilly on. "But I don't suppose you find many of your friends in town outside of the club." "No; you're requested to ring at the rear door, all the way down Beacon Street and up Commonwealth Avenue.

We smiled at one another in chapel. It was your first time, wasn't it? Didn't you think it all awfully quaint?" "Won't you sit down?" said Maggie again, "and I'll ring for the lamp." "Oh! don't ring for the lamp. I like the dusk. And we can make friends so much better without a lamp. I always say if you want to know anybody really well, don't have a light."