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Colonel Alexander and Colonel Thom both of the Engineer Corps, reported to accompany me, and at 12 o'clock we took the train. We arrived about dark at Martinsburg, and there found the escort of three hundred men which I had ordered before leaving Cedar Creek.

In the silver basket were new cards, two with 'Mr. and Mrs. Polegate Thom, and one with 'Mr. Polegate Thom' thereon; she sniffed them, but they smelled severe. 'I must be tired, she thought, 'I'll go and lie down. Upstairs the drawing-room was darkened, waiting for some hand to give it evening light; and she passed on up to her bedroom.

She died on her journey thither, before she joined her bridegroom. Sensible that a deed so unformal, and so little prepared, which violated Robert's right of primogeniture, might meet with great opposition, he trusted entirely for success to his own celerity; and having left St. Sax. p. 192. M. Paris, p. 10. Thom.

George A. Forsyth and Captain Joseph O'Keefe, and with twenty men from the escort started for the front, at the same time directing Colonel James W. Forsyth and Colonels Alexander and Thom to remain behind and do what they could to stop the runaways.

In 1830 or 1831 a Cornishman, named John Nichols Thom, suddenly left his home, and made his appearance in Kent as Sir William Courtenay, knight of Malta.

Oh, Esq., M. A., D. D., LL. D. what a creature he is! Gypsy Breynton, R. R. R. R.? I'm sure I don't know what that means Tom! Thom as!" Just then she caught sight of him out on the ridge-pole, whittling away as coolly as if he had sat there all his life. "Good afternoon," said Gypsy, politely. "Good afternoon," said Tom. "Been whittling out there ever since dinner, I suppose?" "Certainly."

Louis Epstein, a faithful replica of his mother, with close black hair that curled on his head like the nap of a Persian lamb, imprinted a large, moist kiss upon the maternal lips. "Hello, maw! Didn't you expect me?" "Not till the ten-o'clock train, Louie. How's papa?" "He'th fine. I left him billing thom goods to Thpokane." "How's business, Louie?"

Here, a damsel of ten squaring her lists to fight a hulking fellow of twelve for her sister of six; and there, a mother wiping the eyes of her boy of five, and whispering "Hush, bogh; hush! You shall have the bladder when we kill the pig." Pete began to drink. "How do, Faddy? Taking joy of you, Juan. Are you in life, Thom! Half a glass of rum will do no harm, boys.

Colonel Thom put me at the work of getting the trains up from the landing, which involved the repair of roads for that purpose by corduroying the marshy places. This was rough, hard work, without much chance of reward, but it, was near the field of active operations, and I determined to do the best I could at it till opportunity for something better might arise.

Thom and myself, have, indeed, been serving without pay; but in common with the crew have lost our all, which I regret the more, because it puts it out of my power adequately to remunerate my fellow sufferers, whose case I cannot but recommend for their lordships' consideration.