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Or will a difference of dress, of attendance, of style, as it is called, of the power of shifting at pleasure the scenes in which she seeks amusement will these outweigh in her estimation the prospect of domestic happiness and the interchange of unabating affection?

"Try, madam, to bear in mind that no unhappy creature, in my place, would expose herself to your anger and contempt without a serious reason. Will you think again?" "No!" Sydney turned to go away and suddenly stopped. Another person was advancing from the hotel; an interruption, a trivial domestic interruption, presented itself.

'Yes, said Madame to herself, as she pulled down the window, 'I must get rid of him, and if bribery won't do there are other means. Is there anyone nowadays who reads Cowper that charming, domestic poet who wrote 'The Task', and invested even furniture with the glamour of poesy?

As soon as the African slave trade is established, the domestic slave trade will cease, the revenues of the producing States will be suppressed, the price of negroes will fall everywhere, and the fortunes of all the planters will fall in like proportion.

How absurd not to know whether one's husband took cream! The two had seen so little of each other in domestic surroundings that this little commonplace intimacy had an intoxicating charm. "Are you happy?" she asked suddenly. "Do you know that you are all I love in the world, and I am yours for ever and ever?" "Yes, I know." "And how much do you love me?" "I shall never be able to say how much."

Independently of this, we feel it necessary to say here, that he was utterly devoid of domestic affection, and altogether insensible to the natural claims and feelings of consanguinity. His uncle abroad, for instance, had frequently urged him to pay a visit to his relatives, and, of course, to supply him liberally with the necessary funds for the journey.

A domestic society, bound together by these principles, can retire, as it were, from the haunts of men, and retreat within a sanctuary where the storms of the world cannot enter.

Are there reasons for thinking that they are liable to change by increase or decrease? What relations do they bear in each case to the habits of life, the domestic arrangements, and the social arrangements?

This great truth, sometimes forgotten by philosophers, has long been familiar to practical agriculturists and breeders; and upon it rest all the methods of improving the breeds of domestic animals, which, for the last century, have been followed with so much success in England.

The main object of the Act was to remove an odious restriction by which the people had been prevented from deciding the slavery question for themselves, like all other local and domestic concerns.