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The ladies showed a deep interest in the various exhibits of needlework, the embroideries from Siam, table covers and rugs from Norway, and the dolls dressed as brides; the fine lace-work and wood-carving from Sweden. There was needlework from France too, and there were large and very pretty vases from the same country.

To Mary-'Gusta it seemed as if the tea had been at least cool to begin with. However, Mr. Chase suffered himself to be led back to the table and attacked his supper in injured silence. Mary-'Gusta offered a suggestion. "I guess I could wash a tablecloth," she said. "I always wash my dolls' things." Her three companions were plainly surprised. The Captain was the first to speak.

At the same time he gives us a pastel of certain phases of life comprehensive in its coloring and bitterly uncompromising of line. This is an unconventional book, full of incident and plenty of clever dialogue. G.P. Putnam's Sons New York London Too Old for Dolls By Anthony M. Ludovici

"You'll see him next summer, Phronsie," sang Polly skipping around the kitchen, "and Jappy's sister Marian, the lovely lady, and all the boys. Won't that be nice?" and Polly stopped to pat the yellow head bending in motherly attentions over her array of dolls. "Ye-es," said Phronsie, slowly; "the whole of 'em, Polly?" "Yes, indeed!" said Polly, gayly; "the whole of 'em, Phronsie!

Really, those Olympians have certain good points, far down in them. I shall have to leave off abusing them some day. At the hour of five, Selina, having spent the afternoon searching for Harold in all his accustomed haunts, sat down disconsolately to tea with her dolls, who ungenerously refused to wait beyond the appointed hour.

Eulogy is nice, but one does not learn anything from it. Had dear Charles Reade stopped after writing "womanly grace, subtlety, delicacy, the variety yet invariable truthfulness of the facial expression, compared with which the faces beside yours are wooden, uniform dolls," he would have done nothing to advance me in my art; but this was only the jam in which I was to take the powder!

Polly laid hold of Elsie and Leonora. "come!" she whispered. "Come, and shake hands with her!" "No, no! I can't!" gasped Leonora, terrified at the thought of speaking to that beautiful little white-haired lady in the exquisite gray silk. "Yes, come!" urged Polly. "She gave us our dolls, and we must thank her!"

She was only thirty-one, and so small, so fair and young in looks, that to her elder sister her pretty matronly rule would at first seem like the management of a dolls' house, even though her servants, English, German, or Magyar, obeyed her implicitly; and for that matter, as Charlie and Sir Robert freely and merrily avowed, so did they.

They're the people. So it's drums, and dolls, and sheep on wheels, and games, and monkeys on a stick, and the saleslady shows you a mechanical bear, and it costs too much, and you forget whether the Judge's second girl is Nellie or Susie, and well, I'm just in for my annual circus this afternoon! You're in luck. Christmas don't trouble a chap fixed like you."

These were followed by a dozen of the quaintest solemn dolls of beebees dressed in all the white cowry shells, beads and brass the royal treasury afforded, very earnest, very much on inspection, every little head uplifted, singing away just as hard as ever they could. Each carried a gourd of milk, a bunch of bananas, some sugarcane, yams or the like. Straight to the fire marched the pageant.