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They're very old anyhow, and I know them by heart. 'Well, not here! I protested, for he was laying greedy hands on the shelf; 'they'll be found at low water. In fact, I should leave them as they are. You had them when you were here before, and Dollmann knows you had them. If you return without them, it will look queer. They were spared.

Her hair, like his, was spangled with moisture. and her rose-brown skin struck a note of delicious colour against the sullen Stygian background. 'There he is, said Davies. Never did his 'meiner Freund, Carruthers, sound so pleasantly in my ears; never so discordantly the 'Fräulein Dollmann' that followed it. Every syllable of the four was a lie.

We were in Europe, dealing not only with a Dollmann, but with an officer of the German Imperial Navy, who would scarcely be connected with a commercial enterprise which could conceivably be reduced to forwarding its objects in such a fashion. It was shocking enough to find him in relations with such a scoundrel at all, but it was explicable if the motive were imperial not so if it were financial.

There was a cross-current in this strange affair, whose depth and strength I was beginning to gauge with increasing seriousness. I did not know my man yet, and I did not know myself. A conviction that events in the near future would force us into complete mutual confidence withheld me from pressing him too far. I returned to the main question; who was Dollmann, and what was his motive?

Yet the short cut did save several miles and a devil of a tumble off the Scharhorn, where two tides meet. I had complete faith in Dollmann, and I suppose I decided that I should be a fool not to take a good chance. I hesitated. I know; but in the end I nodded, and held up my arm as she forged ahead again. Soon after, she shifted her course and I followed.

The launch went alongside, and the invaders evacuated British soil, looking, for all von Brüning's flippant nonchalance, a rather crestfallen party. So much so, that, acute as was my anxiety, I took courage to whisper to Davies, while the transhipment of Herr Böhme was proceeding: 'Ask Dollmann to stay while we dress. 'Why? he whispered. 'Go on.

'No! exclaimed Davies, starting up and facing me. 'I'm hanged if we will. Think what's at stake. Think of that traitor plotting with Germans. My God! 'Very good, I said. 'I'm with you for going on. But let's face facts. We must scotch Dollmann. We can't do so without hurting her. 'Can't we possibly? 'Of course not; be sensible, man. Face that.

'Indeed? I said, more soberly, 'but perhaps she is not a free agent. 'Perfectly free! said Dollmann. 'I have only been there once, some time ago, said she, 'and I saw no gold at all. 'Guarded, I observed. 'I beg your pardon; I mean that perhaps you only saw what you were allowed to see. And, in any case, the fräulein has no expert knowledge and no responsibility, and, perhaps, no shares.

Then there will be two objects: one, to work back to Norderney, where I left off before, exploring all those channels through the estuaries and islands; the other, to find Dollmann, discover what he's up to, and settle with him. The two things may overlap, we can't tell yet.

'We must get in behind that, said Davies, 'then we shall be safe; I think I know the way, but get the next chart; and then take a rest, old chap. 'Where are we? cried Dollmann, starting up from the lee sofa, where he seemed to have been lying in a sort of trance.