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First a sort of reception in a big gray courtyard of an old palace, all dolled up with American and Italian flags. Big bugs and speeches and they presented us to Italy. Then we twenty drove our busses out with our own flags flying and pulled up again for Party Number Two in front of the Cathedral.

"Oh, I know," he went on fiercely, "I know why you're all dolled up in your best. I know as you mean t' go away to-night with him. But you ain't goin', girl you ain't." "To-night," she said gently, "is my wedding night." M'Ginnis lifted a hand and wrenched at the silken neckerchief he wore as though it choked him.

This might not be one in the end but it was clearly a toss-up; and to consecrate a toss-up in this fashion with manufactured unction before a crowd of fashionable free-thinkers for who thought otherwise than freely, or not at all, when they were 'dolled' up seemed to her as near a sin as one could find in an age which had abolished them.

Don't let them send you anywhere else as Cologne is the prettiest town in France and the liveliest and we will sure have some time going to shows etc. and I hope you bring along beaucoup francs. Well I haven't time to write you much of a letter as I have got to spend the afternoon at the dressmaker's. You see I am getting all dolled up for my Sammy Boy.

"Tell you what," Larry remarked, standing with legs wide apart gazing at the picture of the Italian mother throned on the curb nursing her child, "if I were dolled up all proper, I bet I could take some of this stuff out and sell it for real dough." "Huh, nobody wants that stuff!" snorted Hunt. "It's too good. Sell it! You're off your bean, young fellow!"

If you do if you do " He went back to his seat on the timber. And the train rocked no more. It became instead loquacious. "Didn't I tell you?" it demanded. "Didn't I say so, the minute I spotted that moving-picture scenery! You didn't think real cowboys dolled up like that, did you? You did? My Gawd! But that other bird look at him! Sure smoking his cigarette as if nothing had happened.

"Of course she isn't anything like Anne Stewart there never was any girl like her! But you make a big mistake if you go away to find a pretty girl, all dolled up like the Movie Queens, for your wife. She'd take all your money and laugh at you the next moment.

"Therefore, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat or drink ... is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?" "Are you really ready?" cried Sandy in admiring astonishment, as he settled himself beside her in the hammock. "You never take half as much time as the other girls to get dolled up!"

I know, and everybody else knows, that clothes do count no matter what we say to the contrary. I'll bet you're some looker when you're dolled up! Please," she continued "just try it for a gamble?" "I don't see how I can," he objected. "The chances are I could never pay you back, and there is no reason in the world why you should loan me money. You are certainly under no obligation to me."

And with that she motions up a dignified old wreck dolled out in a white flannel suit and a red tie. If it hadn't been for that touch of red too, he sure would have looked ghastly; for there was about as much color in his face as there was in his white buckskin shoes. But he steps up spry and active and shoves out a greetin' hand.