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I'm sure Faith and Ernest will draw a long breath when you get on the cars to go back." "Oh, I don't believe they will," returned Gladys, ready to cry. "What have you done to make them glad you came? You didn't bring them anything, although you knew they couldn't have many toys, and it was because you were so busy thinking how much lovelier your doll was than anything Faith could have.

Two little girls rolling two doll buggies fairly flew down the street and one little boy quickly climbed to the top of the dividing fence. From this safe vantage point he shouted to Billy, who was holding the nozzle of the hose out of which poured a stream of water. "You 'd better turn that water off 'cause Miss Minerva's going to be madder 'n a green persimmon."

"Sirona?" asked Polykarp incredulously. "Certainly, why not!" answered Marthana laughing. "She had to sew a new gown for the children's doll." "Why do you mock at her kindness?" said Polykarp reproachfully. "How sensitive you are!" said Marthana softly.

And I'm going to tie a string to Shirley's rag doll and drag it in the dust like the pictures in the Early Martyrs book, you know." Shirley began to hop up and down with anger and began to cry. "I won't have my dolly dragged in the dust," she shrieked. "Martyrs have to be dragged in the dust," the perverse Sarah insisted. "I want to see her bounce when she hits the stones."

He soon grew used to the motion, and a little later he and Arthur, with Nettie and her Doll, were seated in a big chair on Wheels, and were being pushed along a broad wooden walk by a colored man. "Isn't there a big crowd on the boardwalk?" said Arthur to his sister, as they were being wheeled along. "Yes, but not as large as this time last year," replied the little girl.

"Oh, you bad boy!" she exclaimed, forgetting her own pain, at the sight of her doll, "you've run right over her!" "I I couldn't help it!" said Freddie, stopping in his rush to the fire to pick up his sister's toy. "You got right in my way." "I did not Freddie Bobbsey!" "Yes, you did, too, and I'm going to squirt water on you, and put you out. You're on fire! Your cheeks are all red!"

As a matter of fact, the machine was electrically driven, and the wheel turned the hand of the doll. In the realm of cause and effect we are frequently the dupes and victims of a very dexterous system of legerdemain. The resultant quantity is invariably clear; the contributing causes are not what they seem.

One man summed up the steak with, "You got to work your jaw so hard to eat it that it ain’t fair to the next meal." His neighbor heaved a sigh. "This here formation, whatever it be"—and he turned the meat over for better inspection—"do shore remind me of an indestructible doll that an old maid aunt of mine giv’ my sister when we was kids.

Finally, she was told what had happened; that for four years she had been another person Estelle Brown a name she had taken after the awakening following the railroad accident because of some kink in the brain that retained the memory of the doll. "Then Lieutenant Varley was right, he must have seen you in Portland," said Alice, when explanations were being made. "He must have," admitted Mildred.

Dorothea had invited a lady to take tea with her that day. I heard the sound of laughter, and, being near the nursery, I looked in to see what was the joke. Smith was worrying a doll. I have rarely seen a more worried-looking doll. Its head was off, and its sawdust strewed the floor. Both the children were crowing with delight; Dorothea, in particular, was in an ecstasy of amusement.