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"Then it's a helluva law that lets a feller take away the home of two women." "They's lots of times," observed Dolan, judicially, "when I think she's a helluva law, too. But what you gonna do? Under the law one man's word is as good as another's till he's proved a liar. And two men's words are better than one, and so on.

But Jake Dolan, who knows something of human nature, does not hold to the colonel's view about the moment of McHurdie's greatest joy. "We were filing down the Avenue again, thousands and ten thousands of us, as we filed past the White House nearly twenty years before.

Wait one minute," cried Dolan. "Wait one minute, sir. For what was you conniving against the big man? I know to win your game; to win your miserable little game. Ah, what a pup a man can be, Johnnie, what a mangy, miserable, cowardly little pup a man can be when he tries and a decent man, too. Money don't mean anything to you you got past that, but it's to win the game.

"Well, John," Carnine hesitated, "I was just down to see you on a little matter of business." "Delighted, sir, delighted," exclaimed Dolan, as he rose to go; "we were going, anyway weren't we, General?" The veterans rose, and Colonel Culpepper said as he went, "I told Molly to call for me here about noon with the buggy if she comes, tell her to wait."

Reynolds had an idea of justice in his composition: he knew that had he murdered Ussher, his companions would have used every effort to conceal him, and to baffle his pursuers; and he was determined that they should do as much for Thady. He went back to the cabin for Corney Dolan, and told him the story which he had just heard; and at about midnight the party started for the mountains.

Emerson: 'What, says he, 'would you think if Jake Dolan driving this car should come in and say, "Excuse me, gentlemen, but the moon I see this moment is not some millions of miles away, but entirely in my own noddle?" 'I'd think, says the great philosopher, never blinking, 'that Mr. Dolan was drunk, says he. And there the discussion ended, but it has been going on in my head ever since.

Up to this point the matter is settled, and metaphysicians may as well make a record of the decision; for Watts McHurdie, Jacob Dolan, Philemon Ward, Martin Culpepper, and sometimes Oscar Fernald, know just exactly as much about it as the ablest logician in the world.

Freddy was following him loyally, in spite of the creeps and chills that betrayed malaria. But now his brown eyes flashed fire. "You're a big brag, Dan Dolan!" he said, stung by such a taunt at his size and weight. "Just you try me!" And catching Dan's hand he made a spring to his waist and a reckless scramble to his shoulders. "Hooray!" said Dan, cheerily. "Steady now, and hold on to the bar!"

Dolan pulled out his watch. "Nine o'clock," said he. "When did you first find Mac was gone, Kansas?" "When I took his breakfast in less'n five minutes ago." "Howcome you went to the warehouse so late?" "Well," said Kansas, somewhat shamefacedly, "we didn't lock him up in the warehouse till one o'clock this morning, and I figured a li'l extra sleep wouldn't do him any harm."

Jacob Dolan, sheriff in and for Garrison County for four years, beginning with 1873, remembered the summer of 1875 to his dying day, as the year when he tore his blue soldier coat, and for twenty-five years, after the fight in which the coat was torn, Dolan never put it on for a funeral or a state occasion, that he did not smooth out the seam that Nellie Logan McHurdie made in mending the rent place, and recall the exigencies of the public service which made it necessary to tear one's clothes to keep the peace.