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"I guess you know what you mean by this," he said, tendering the weapon as per instructions; "I'm doggoned if I do.... You'll allow a certain latitude in consideration of my relief; I can't say we were anticipating this ah Heaven-sent visitation." Accepting the revolver with his left hand and settling his forefinger on the trigger, Kirkwood beamed with pure enjoyment.

Five minutes later they were leading their saddle- horses out of the barn. Unobserved, they mounted and took the road. "How air you two feelin'?" said Pete, as they broke into an easy "lope." "Thunder and Mars!" exclaimed Dan. "It's a doggoned fact, but I'm feeling fine." "It's the medicine," said Jimmie, athirst for more. "The Perfessor's a stem-winder, an' no mistake," said Pete.

There were riders there, among them Farlane, and they all had pleasant greetings for her. "Farlane, Dad says I'm to take out Sage King," announced Lucy. "No!" ejaculated Farlane, as he pocketed his pipe. "Sure. And I'm to RIDE him. You know how Dad means that." "Wal, now, I'm doggoned!" added Farlane, looking worried and pleased at once. "I reckon, Miss Lucy, you you wouldn't fool me?"

The boy looked so haggard, his face so filled with despair, that Dud was touched in spite of himself. "Why in Mexico didn't you give that bird a pill outa the gun?" he asked. "I don't know. I'm no good," Bob wailed. "You said it right that time. I'll be doggoned if I ever saw such a thing as a fellow lettin' another guy walk off with his wife when he ain't been married hardly two hours yet.

"Why do you want to saw off an old maid on that two-fisted man you've knew ever since he was knee-high to a grasshopper? What did he ever do to you that was so doggoned mean?" "Now looky here, you can laugh at me all you've a mind to. All I'm sayin' is " "Oh, I'm not laughing at you," she interposed hurriedly with an assumption of anxiety her bubbling eyes belied.

Turning his head quickly, he saw the ape about twenty paces to one side aiming the revolver at him. Then Billie lost his temper. "This thing has got to stop," he exclaimed. "I'll be doggoned if I'm going to stand for it any longer." He ran quickly toward the ape, and fell on his knees as he had seen the ape do, and raised his hands in supplication.

I was tellin' him how to go to work on that bung that's formed between the gre't gray rock an' the shore, the awfullest place to bung that there is between this an' Biddeford, and says he: 'Look here, I've be'n boss on this river for twelve year, an' I'll be doggoned if I'm goin' to be taught my business by any man! 'This ain't no river, says I, 'as you'd know, says I, 'if you'd ever lived on the Kennebec. 'Pity you hed n't stayed on it, says he.

"And you tell 'im," directed the Old Man querulously, "that I'll stand good for his time while he's lookin' after things for the boys. And tell 'im if he's so doggoned scared I'll buy into the game, he needn't to show up here at the ranch at all; tell him to stay in Dry Lake if he wants to serve him right to stop at that hotel fer a while. But tell him for the Lord's sake git a move on.

I guess that ole girl certainly must have a good deal of feeling, because, doggoned, after we'd been sittin' there a while if she didn't have to get out her handkerchief! She kept her face turned away from me just the same as you're doin' now to keep from laughin' but honestly, she cried like somebody at a funeral. I felt like the darndest fool!"

He turned in to look over the horses. The first one his eyes fell on was Chiquito. Dave whistled. The pony pricked up its ears, looked round, and came straight to him. The young man laid his face against the soft, silky nose, fondled it, whispered endearments to his pet. He put the bronco through its tricks for the benefit of the corral attendant. "Well, I'll be doggoned," that youth commented.