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If it hadn't been for him I'd sorter felt as if I'd killed Miss Annie by leavin' dat doggoned ladder so straight up, and I nebber could hab gone out in de dark agin all my life." "Why, you old black fool," said Hunting, irritably, "don't you know I'm going to marry Miss Annie? You'd better keep on the right side of me." "Which is de right side?"

"I'll do just exactly as I please about that. I won't pester you but you needn't think I'm going to leave you all soul alone in a strange place when you are feeling rotten anyway. I'm pretty doggoned selfish but not quite that bad." Although Max Hempel had not openly sought out Tony Holiday he was entirely aware of her presence in the city and in the dramatic school.

With the dignity which made him noticeable, he said he'd "be doggoned ef he wanted to have people come to his own dooryard to be arrested." By which, it may be inferred, that he expected the evil-doer to choose his own arresting place. Mr. and Mrs.

'I watched that doggoned curtain, Bill declared, 'till 'twas time to shut up shop, but she didn't come out, an' I couldn't git in. 'Did anyone come out from behind that curtain while you waited, Bill? I asked him carelessly. 'Yes, there was; pretty soon after she went in a young Turk came out, smallish, with a little dudey moustache.

"No," said Adams. "I been thinking I might likely kind of branch out on my own account." "Well, I'll be doggoned!" Old Charley Lohr was amazed; he ruffled up his gray moustache with thumb and forefinger, leaving his mouth open beneath, like a dark cave under a tangled wintry thicket. "Why, that's the doggonedest thing I ever heard!" he said.

Jeff took a long drink; then he gasped out: "Thunder! you was smart to find that flask. Ah-h-h!" "You're in a real bad fix," said the boy. "I am in bad shape," Jeff admitted. "If I'd known I was going to lose the use o' myself like this, I wouldn't ha' been so doggoned keen about my friend leavin' me." "Your friend must be in a partic'lar hurry." "He was that," Jeff murmured.

Follow all my leads and don't trump any of my aces; and just about the time Matt begins to get good and mad at my doggoned interference you know, Skinner, my boy, I'm only a figurehead you cut in and say: 'Well, for heaven's sake! You two still squabbling over a skipper for the Retriever?

You see big strong men goin' around shakin' their teeth out an' docterin' day an' night at Sol's, but I'll be doggoned if you ever see a woman takin' it. Seems as if they'd ruther shake theirselves to death than tetch a drop o' whisky." "You would not have them otherwise, would you?" "Why, if I ever caught my wife takin' a swaller o' whisky, I'd well, by gosh, I don't know what I would do.

They ain't any of your doggoned Montana school-ma'm-cayuses but what I c'n ride slick-heeled, an' with my spurs on " he paused; "better drag down the five. You might need a little loose change if that girl should happen to get thirsty between dances." "Jest leave it lay," retorted Purdy; "an' at that, I'll bet I buy her more drinks than what you do." Tex laughed: "Sure.

He simply would put that blamed sun-dial of his right in the middle of this plot, and these doggoned gravel-walks running every which way give me the blind-staggers. Why, A. A., you got more gravel walks here than they've got in Central Park.