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"Nearer, my God, to Thee; nearer to Thee." It was almost a whisper, but it soon had a visible effect on Hugh, and in half an hour the doctor's curt words, "You may go now," were more welcome than the sweetest praise. As the fever ran its course, Dexie was frequently called to Hugh's bedside. How she dreaded those visits, yet stern duty forbade her to refuse, as her heart often prompted.

"No; neither did I think that: my niece, I felt sure, was safe from danger. I knew that she would do nothing that would bring either her or me to shame." "Not to shame," said the lady, apologetically, as it were, using the word perhaps not exactly in the doctor's sense. "I felt no alarm for her," continued the doctor, "and desired no change. Frank is your son, and it is for you to look to him.

"Do you think it's all right, sir?" he inquired. "She's gone to ask the doctor if he knows anything about her ladyship." Following the direction of the old man's eyes, Roger saw the black-clad figure of the maid at the first door along the passage. Her voice, high-pitched with excitement, reached his ears, mingled with the doctor's heavy tones. "Let her alone; it can't do any harm.

A quizzical gleam came into the doctor's eye as he shook hands with Julius. "Ah, yes, my young friend of the tree episode! Ankle all right, eh?" "I guess it's cured owing to your skilful treatment, doc." "And the heart trouble? Ha ha!" "Still searching," said Julius briefly. "To come to the point, can we have a word with you in private?" asked Sir James. "Certainly.

Your manner and the strangeness of your words half made me think that you had come, urged by your conscience, to make a confession of a very different kind." Glyn started; his lips parted, and he looked wildly in the Doctor's eyes. "Don't look at me like that, my lad. Your manner suggested it, and I cannot tell you how relieved I feel."

Men began to talk and laugh and feel human for the first moment in two weeks. Dugro grasped the doctor's hand and his deep voice rang above the roar: "You're a mascot! You've broken the spell! For God's sake stay with us!" Suddenly another cry came from the crowd at the ticker. The boy at the board sprang to the instrument with a single bound, his eyes blazing with excitement.

Hastily ramming a bullet down my fowling-piece, I raised it to fire, hoping earnestly that I might take good aim. My worthy friend's life depended on my doing: so, for in another instant the monster might envelop him in its huge folds. I shall not forget in a hurry the look of horror depicted in the worthy doctor's countenance.

The morning broke gloriously; four wagonettes came round to the door after a very early breakfast, and the masters followed in an open carriage with the Doctor, Wrench closing the door of each vehicle, and confiding to each party as it started that he wished it had been his luck to go as well; but he was going to enjoy himself that day by having a regular good polish at the Doctor's plate.

So far as I can make out, Miss Cameron is just a sensible, wise woman that would be the first to see the folly in this business if she knew the rights of it. Come, Finlay, you're not such a great man with the ladies you can't pretend she has any affection for you." The note of raillery in the Doctor's voice drew Finlay's brows together.

In spite of the servant girl's pessimistic view, Jeanne had little apprehension as she went to the doctor's study, and Legrand's method of receiving her was reassuring. He rose, bowed low and placed a chair for her. He spoke of the pleasant crispness in the air, of the little dance which had taken place in the salon on the previous night. "Even the Abbé was persuaded to a few steps," he laughed.