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Turning, she hurried on toward home, and the curious one, giving the horse a smart clip drove off muttering, "Gitting uppish 'fore she gits ter Boston. Do'no what she'll be when she's stayed there a spell." At school, her mates were glad that Randy was to have so delightful a winter, and many and varied were the comments and speculations regarding it.

He and his brother had both participated in the revolution which made Carranza president. His description of which affair was utterly delightful. "Every-body run a-round with guns" Mexique said. "And bye-and-bye no see to shoot everybody, so everybody go home." We asked if he had shot anybody himself. "Sure. I shoot everybody I do'no" Mexique answered laughing.

I do'no' what it is, fer I'd not be readin' what wa'n't writ ter me, but wonderin' if it was writ by Miss Nancy, I've brought it ter ye." Dorothy sat with wide eyes and pale cheeks, her slender fingers tightly clasping the arms of the chair. Could the note be from Nancy? Would it tell where she was? Mrs. Dainty leaned over Aunt Charlotte's chair, and together they read the hastily pencilled note.

"No, it ain't that, exactly. I don't know. He drives by all alone, and he don't pack no gun ever, and he's sort of runty and I do'no why he ain't been shot, but he ain't. And if I was you, I'd stick home." Windy amused but did not greatly persuade me. By this time I was fairly conversant with the cowboy's sense of humour.

"Well, now, ye look like fairies with the bright flowers on yer hair, an' do ye go right in, because there's someone has come that's wantin' ter see yer. Keep the flowers on yer heads an' go right in," said Nora. "Who is it, Nora?" Rose asked, her eyes bright with excitement. "Well, I do'no whether she'd want yer ter be surprised or let me tell yer, but it's yer Uncle John!"

But we must keep it dark until after I marry Nellie, don't you see? Then we'll have a good time all round, and I'll stand the drinks. Think of it, Teresha! You don'no me, I do'no you, nobody knowsh anybody elsh. I try kill Lo'. Lo' wants kill Nellie. No thath no ri'" but the potent liquor, overtaking his exhausted senses, thickened, impeded, and at last stopped his speech.

I don't know no more where they be than nothin'; they've strayed away into the woods, I guess, and I do'no' as the boys can skeer 'em up; besides, the boys is to school; h'm yis! Where did you and Melindy go that day arter berries?" "Up in the pine-lot, ma'am. You think you can't let us have the turkeys?" "Dew tell ef you went up there! It's near about the sightliest place I ever see.

"Well, I hope he's got his tail feathered out ag'in," said Israel, dryly. "I do'no' but what hair'd grow as well as feathers in a sperctooal state, and I never see a pictur' of an angel but what hed consider'ble many feathers." Miss Lucinda looked rather confounded.

I'xpect it's Mister Greene, Miss Smith's cousin. Well, you be! Don't favor her much though; she's kinder dark complected. She ha'n't got round yet, hes she? Dew tell! She's dre'ful delicate. I do'no' as ever I see a woman so sickly's she looks ter be sence that 'ere fever. She's real spry when she's so's to be crawlin', I'xpect too spry to be 'hulsome.

"Where did you get this, son?" The man, a Chiracahua hand named Curley something-or-other, indicated a sacatone bottom a hundred yards to the west. "You got good eyes, son," Buck complimented him. "Think you can make out the trail?" "Do'no," said Curley. "Used to do a considerable of tracking." "Horses!" commanded Buck. We followed Curley afoot while several men went to saddle up.