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With him, first and last and always it was the mill, and little by little what had been for Janet a heterogeneous mass of machinery and human beings became unified and personified in Claude Ditmar.

"Just to think of Janet livin' in that big house up in Warren Street!" he went on, unheeding, jubilant. "You'll drop in and see the old people once in a while, Janet, you won't forget us?" "I wish you wouldn't talk like that, father," said Janet. "Well, he's a fine man, Claude Ditmar, I always said that. The way he stops and talks to me when he passes the gate "

Janet's increasing knowledge of its organization and processes only served to heighten her admiration for the confidence Ditmar had shown from the beginning. It was superb. And now, as the probability of the successful execution of the task tended more and more toward certainty, he sometimes gave vent to his boyish, exuberant spirits.

She lifted her face to him in agony. "I'm sorry I'm sorry for you I'll never forgive myself!" "It's some one else?" he asked. "I was going to be married to to Mr. Ditmar," she said slowly, despairingly. "But even then " Insall began. "You don't understand!" she cried. "What will you think of me? Mrs. Maturin was to have told you, after I'd gone.

Little by little, as the power was shut off, the antiphonal throbbing of the looms was stilled. Pinioned against the parapet above the canal almost on that very spot where, the first evening, she had met Ditmar Janet awaited her chance to cross. Every crashing window, every resounding blow on the panels gave her a fierce throb of joy.

One of the few elements of agreement he had held in common with the late Mrs. Ditmar was a similarity of taste in household decoration, and they had gone together to a great emporium in Boston to choose the furniture and fittings.

You've got some blocks with a density of over five hundred to the acre, and your average density is considerably over a hundred." "Are things any worse than in any other manufacturing city?" asked Ditmar. "That isn't the point," said Siddons. "The point is that they're bad, they're dangerous, they're inhuman.

You were the man who stood out against it, and they listened to you, they voted to cut down the pay and say nothing about it. Wait until those first pay envelopes are opened after that law goes into effect. You'll see what'll happen! You'll never be able to fill that Bradlaugh order in God's world." "Oh hell," retorted Ditmar, contemptuously. "You're always for lying down, Holster.

When Lise had gone out Janet sat down in the rocking-chair and began to rock agitatedly. What had really made her angry, she began to perceive, was the realization of a certain amount of truth in her sister's intimation concerning Ditmar.

He pulled out her chair for her and she sat down, confronted by a series of knives, forks, and spoons on either side of a plate of oysters. Oysters served in this fashion, needless to say, had never formed part of the menu in Fillmore Street, or in any Hampton restaurant where she had lunched. But she saw that Ditmar had chosen a little fork with three prongs, and she followed his example.