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She laughed her acknowledgment, and lying there, face to the sky, began to sing to herself, under her breath, fragments of that ancient war-song: "Le bon Roi Dagobert Avait un grand sabre de fer; Le grand Saint Éloi Lui dit: 'O mon Roi Vôtre Majesté Pourrait se blesser! 'C'est vrai, lui dit le Roi, 'Qu'on me donne un sabre de bois!"

As I came up the French commander allowed the remark to drop that the position did not please him ca ne me dit rien is the exact expression he used and that his defence was too thin to be capable of resisting a single determined rush.

We may assuredly say of his prose what Boileau says of his own poetry 'Et mon vers, bien ou mal, dit toujours quelque chose. This is a prodigious merit, when we reflect with what fatal alacrity human language lends itself in the hands of so many performers upon the pliant instrument, to all sorts of obscurity, ambiguity, disguise, and pretentious mystification.

Cook avec une grande et charmante bonte m'a fait des remontrances: il me dit que le ton de ma lettre l'a blesse et que mes 'menaces' lui ont fait de la peine; qu'il n'a jamais manque de largesse envers ses ecrivains et que l'excedent de mes depenses en livres, voyages, etc., sera toujours defraye par la Revue.

Thursday morning we went early (ten o'clock) to St. Quentin and spent over two hours decorating the Tree, ticketing and arranging all the little garments. Every child in the neighbourhood was hanging around the school-house when we arrived, the entrance being strictly forbidden until after the service, when the Tree would be lighted. I expressed great surprise at seeing the children at the school on a holiday, and there were broad grins as they answered, "Madame Waddington nous a dit de venir." It had snowed all night, and the clouds were low and gray, and looked as if they were still full of snow. The going was extremely difficult; not that the snow was very deep, but there was enough to make the roads very slippery. We had the horses "ferrés

He was fond of shooting, and belonged to a duck club on the Cape, where poker and bridge were not tabooed. To his intimates he was known as "Dit." Nor is it surprising that his attitude toward women had become in general one of resentment; matrimony he now regarded as unmitigated folly.

The question was asked, and one old woman replied: 'As God takes it. Our feet have reached the holy places, but our hearts may not have done so. They asked the soldier. He said that he was alone in the world and had nowhere else to go. They asked Kasatsky who he was. 'A servant of God. 'Qu'est-ce qu'il dit? Il ne repond pas. 'Il dit qu'il est un serviteur de Dieu.

"Vers sept heurs le malade se trouvant seul avec Monsieur Svinine lui dit d'une voix affaiblie " Je veux absolument vous dicter une lettre. Monsieur Svinine prit la plume en gemissant et traça ce peu de lignes sous la dictée de Moreau.

The woman, who came out in answer to his knock, looked him all over from head to foot, while he explained himself in his best French. 'Tiens, she said, indifferently, to a man behind her, 'it's the people for No. 26 des Anglais M. Paul te l'a dit. Hand me the key.

His course under such circumstances he described in a couplet from an old French comedy: "Le bruit est pour le fat, la plainte pour le sot; L'honnete homme trompe s'eloigne et ne dit mot. Comedie par Mr. Delanoue, 1756." He was never known to take part in any family quarrel, or personal broil, of any description whatsoever.