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I was not surprised. Buck was a distinctly startling spectacle, and his habit of growling to himself, as he walked, highly disturbing to strangers. 'Good evening, Mrs Sheridan, said Sam suavely. Audrey did not speak. She seemed fascinated by Buck. I opened the front door and they passed out. The automobile was still purring on the drive. Buck's pistol had disappeared.

I put off disturbing you as long as I could, for you have had too much fatigue lately, but I need your help, dear. You must get up at once. We have some painful duties before us." "Oh, father Arthur! What will he how will you ?" Mr Bertrand drew a sharp sigh. "I have wired to him to stop all preparations, and come down himself by the early train. He will be here this afternoon.

"Forgive me, gentlemen," he said, in a nervous, confidential voice, "the fact is, Mr Grant, I er have made a most disturbing discovery about Mr Chadd." Bingham looked at him with grave eyes. "I was afraid so," he said. "Drink, I imagine." "Drink!" echoed Colman, as if that were a much milder affair. "Oh, no, it's not drink."

"I'd sooner have been Cleopatra, or Joan of Arc only she was burned, poor thing." "That was only what she might have expected. An unpleasant fate generally overtakes people who go about disturbing things," Mrs. Chisholm said severely. The speech was characteristic, and the others smiled. It would have astonished them had Mrs.

Gracie's head was still on her pillow, but at that instant she stirred, opened her eyes, and called out in a pleased tone, "O Lu, so you are up first!" speaking softly though, for fear of disturbing their father and Violet, in the room beyond, the door there being open also.

Weld's first letter, written the day after Whittier's, begins by defining his own position on the disturbing question. He says: "As to the rights and wrongs of woman, it is an old theme with me. It was the first subject I ever discussed.

When they went down to the dining room, he pronounced acceptable the salmon salad, cold beef, cheese, and cake which Fanny made ready for them without disturbing the servants. The journey had fatigued Isabel, she ate nothing, but sat to observe with tired pleasure the manifestations of her son's appetite, meanwhile giving her sister-in-law a brief summary of the events of commencement.

He made it sound as though we were all a lot of Adelphi heroes and ought to be promoted and have medals, but when Lord Russell started in to read the Riot Act at us I began to believe that hanging was too good for me. I'm sure I never knew I was disturbing the peace of nations; it seems like such a large order for a subaltern.

"Oh, there is nothing disturbing in the count's interest in the thing," said Mrs. Farnsworth with an air of dismissing the matter. "If it were a Jade trinket inscribed with Chinese mysteries, you might imagine that it would be sought by some one I have heard of such things but Alice's fan has no such history." "We weren't very hospitable," said Alice.

Now he saw in her only a friend, a rather disturbing friend in truth but he tried to drive his uneasiness back: it reminded him of Ada: there was no attraction in that memory: he preferred not to think of it. What attracted him in Judith was everything in her which was different from other women, not that which she had in common with them. She was the first intelligent woman he had met.