United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He knows what I meant to do, in case of my grandfather recurring to this disposition of his property; and, further than this, I must not influence Frank. He must be left entirely free to do as he thinks proper, and I shall not communicate with him till he has had ample time to decide on his course. I shall write to Emily and Anne to-day." "I am sorry for them."

‘And from all I see, I infer that you are likely to owe it to me.’ ‘I fear I am.’ ‘Though you have every disposition to pay me if you could?’ ‘Certainly.’ ‘Then,’ said Mr. Gabriel Parsons, ‘listen: here’s my proposition. You know my way of old. Accept ityes or no—I will or I won’t. ‘My dear—’ ‘Stop a minuteon one condition; and that is, that you propose to Miss Lillerton at once.’ ‘At once!

Under Murray's encouragement he stammered out the story of his good fortune, the tale running straight enough to fan excitement into a blaze. There was no disposition to doubt, for news of this sort is only too sure of credence. When the speaker had finished, O'Neil inquired: "Are you an experienced quartz-miner? Do you know ore when you see it?" "Sure!

M. de Nucingen, who had been a contractor before he became a banker, had had reason in those days to know the honorable disposition of his cashier, who then occupied a high position. Reverses of fortune had befallen the major, and the banker out of regard for him paid him five hundred francs a month.

You don't know, O'Malley, what that girl is to me you can't know it; you'll feel it one day though that you will!" "The devil I shall!" said I to myself. "The great point is, after all, to learn the young lady's disposition in the matter " "Ah, Charley, none of this with me, you sly dog! You think I don't know you.

"It makes all the difference when you're in authority, and have some stake in the school." This chance remark set Merle thinking, and she thought to some purpose. Her natural disposition was always to obtain results by blunt, matter-of- fact methods.

Phil Bloodgood had brought about the state of his soul there was accordingly that amount of connection; only it became further remarkable that from the moment his companion had sounded him, and sounded him, he knew, down to the last truth of things, his disposition, his necessity to talk, the desire that had in the morning broken the spell of his confinement, the impulse that had thrown him so defeatedly into Mrs.

I am endowed with a cheerful temper, a moderate sensibility, and a natural disposition to repose rather than to activity: some mischievous appetites and habits have perhaps been corrected by philosophy or time.

He expressed the hope that the estates would use their discretion "in compounding some sweet and friendly medicine" for the present disorder; and that they would not judge the Duke too harshly for a fault which he assured them did not come from his natural disposition.

Who could tell what splendid event awaited its near fulfilment? In which a radical change of atmosphere is at once noticed; which shows how Miss Bentley repents of a too coming-on disposition, and lends an ear to the advantages of wealth.