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"You ought to be thankful to have such a friendship as Seymour's!" She said that, and she knew that if, disobeying her order to the footman, he had come upstairs, her one desire would have been to get rid of him, at all costs, to get him and his devotion out of the house, lest Craven should come and she should not have Craven alone. If Seymour knew that surely even his love would turn into hatred!

With his axe he chopped off the remaining pieces of the mast, and turning to his crew, his face convulsed with passion, he said: "Thunder and lightning! what do you mean by disobeying my orders? Have you got cotton in your ears?" "No, captain," replied the oldest sailor, "we do not disobey your orders, but why should we carry them out, since we are lost anyhow?"

They are poor, drawling, dawdling, miserable nonentities, with muscles, for the want of proper exercise, like ribands, and with faces, for the lack of fresh air, as white as a sheet of paper. What a host of charming girls are yearly sacrificed at the shrine of fashion and of folly. Another, and a frequent cause of costiveness, is the bad habit of disobeying the call of having the bowels opened.

As a religious creed, the Latin Paganism was at bottom empty, indifferent, and inclined to tolerate all religions in the state, provided only that they, in their turn, were indifferent at any rate towards itself, and that they did not come troubling the state, either by disobeying her rulers or by attacking her old deities, dead and buried beneath their own still standing altars.

The result of the disobedience of orders was that the army officials had rather a large bill for damages to settle with the French greenhouse proprietor, and Tom and Dick Martin were deprived of their leave privileges for a week for disobeying the order to keep at a certain height in flying over a town or city.

When Saint Patrick and his followers set foot in Ireland it was the time of a great religious festival in which no lights were allowed to be lit or fires to be kindled for several days. Saint Patrick knew this, for he was well versed in the religious customs of the Irish, and he knew, too, that the penalty for disobeying the priestly order was a terrible death.

And his blue eyes flashed with that sudden wild fire that generally foretold some access of his particular mania. Errington saw this and said soothingly, "Of course not, Sigurd! No one would dream of disobeying you! See how we follow you to-day we all do exactly what you tell us." "We are sheep, Sigurd," added Lorimer lazily; "and you are the shepherd!"

You look like a rough boy with that on. You make me think of John when he had been out disobeying me." Elizabeth took off the offending headgear, and revealed her smoothly parted, thick brown hair in its long braid down her back. "Why, you're rather a pretty girl if you were fixed up," said the old lady, sitting up with interest now.

"Would you plunge a soul into the fiery furnace, and a minister at hand to point out the straight and narrow path?" "I'll tell you what, good woman," returned the corporal, gently pushing her away; "I've no notion of my back being a highway for any man to walk to heaven upon. A pretty figure I should make at the pickets, for disobeying orders.

And Simon said, "Tell me, Michael, what did God punish you for? and what were the three truths? that I, too, may know them." And Michael answered: "God punished me for disobeying Him. I was an angel in heaven and disobeyed God. God sent me to fetch a woman's soul. I flew to earth, and saw a sick woman lying alone, who had just given birth to twin girls.