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A desire seized upon him to look over into the other valley, and as his knee was giving him no trouble he cut a zigzag course upward that in half an hour brought him almost to the top. Here he came to a short, steep slide that compelled him to dismount and continue on foot.

Just as the rifles were within a few yards of me and I was preparing to dismount, the elephants wheeled suddenly round, and took to water. They had been standing in a low, swampy spot that was frequently overflowed: thus they had no difficulty in descending to the river. Close to this place, the banks were perpendicular, and as hard as brick.

He's Pa's own boy, born for a rider! Come along, Auntie Agatha." Agatha would willingly have followed down the street. She was amused by the daring of the mother and the boy, and amused especially by her new title of "Auntie Agatha." "Do let me go, Mr. Harper; I don't want to dismount, indeed." "But I have something to say to you just a few words. We must decide to-day about the house, you know."

Now Simon, having met these flowers of the flock of villainy, where the rising moonlight flowed through the weir-work of the wood, begged them to dismount; and led them with an air of mystery into the Squire's ruined hall, black with fire, and green with weeds. 'Captain, I have found a thing, he said to Carver Doone, himself, 'which may help to pass the hour, ere the lump of gold comes by.

As I had the rifle pointed, I replied to this demand conditionally, that the Arabs should dismount and unsaddle immediately: this led to a parley, and I agreed to become responsible for the value of the camels should they be stolen in Mek Nimmur's country. The affair was settled.

"A wife, two sons and a daughter, who will all be proud to wait upon your honour; let me hold your honour's stirrup whilst you alight." He seconded these words by the proper action, and having assisted his guest to dismount, he conducted him into his house, called his wife to attend him, and then led his horse under a poor shed, that served him as a stable.

"A good riddance," said Swinton; "I hope the Major is now satisfied with buffalo-hunting." "I am, at all events," replied Alexander. "I feel very sore and stiff. What a narrow escape that Bushman had." "Yes, he had indeed; but, Alexander, your horse is not well: he can hardly breathe. You had better dismount." Alexander did so, and unloosed his girths.

In front of them, riding on a tired horse that was led by a servant, was Cetewayo himself. He was assisted to dismount, or rather threw his great bulk into the arms that were waiting to receive him.

Two men started out from the roadside, or rather from one side of the bridle path for there was no road, and advanced to meet him with drawn revolvers. "Halt there!" one of them exclaimed in a commanding tone. Rodney drew bridle, and gazed at the two men in surprise. "What do you want of me?" he asked. "Dismount instantly!" "Why should I? What right have you to interfere with my journey?"

His persistent demands would have ended, at Dan's instigation, in a regimental belting which in all probability would have killed him and cut off the supply of beer, had not he been sent on special duty some fifty miles away from the Cantonment to cool his heels in a mud fort and dismount obsolete artillery.