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The messages, written in the plainest of plain English, aroused the people of the city to the way in which they had been robbed by dishonest officials, they rallied behind him, and his reputation was made. In 1882, his party wanted a reform candidate for governor, and they naturally turned to Cleveland, and he was elected by a plurality of two hundred thousand.

There's the disappointment and the bitterness!" "Can't Madame de Courcelles write and tell this man that she loves somebody else better?" "Confound it! no. The fellow has her too much in his power, and, if he chose to be dishonest, could half ruin her. At all events she is afraid of him; and I ... I am as helpless as a child in the matter.

The word illegal, pronounced in a tremendous tone, operated instantaneously upon the Jew; his hand, which had closed upon Holloway's guineas, opened; he laid the money down upon the table, but mechanically seized his box of trinkets, which he seemed to fear would be the next seized, as forfeits. No persons are so apprehensive of injustice and fraud as those who are themselves dishonest. Mr.

"What a man dares to do, he should dare to confess unless he is a coward." "Oh, and to be sure you were very brave, running away each time after you had done the mischief, turning comedian to hide yourself, doing more mischief as a comedian, provoking a riot in Nantes, and then running away again, to become God knows what something dishonest by the affluent look of you.

"Yes," replied Dorsenne, "though it is none the less true that he ruined hundreds and hundreds of persons." "Then, by the account given you of the case, it is clear to you that he is dishonest," interrupted Alba, "As clear as that you are here, Contessina," replied Dorsenne, "if to steal means to plunder one's neighbors and to escape justice. But that would be nothing.

Social conventions of many sorts were flouted; local factions resorted to terrorism against their opponents; legislatures abused their power by confiscating loyalist property and enacting laws for the dishonest promotion of debtor-class interests, and the central government, made pitiably weak by the prevailing jealousy of control, was kept wholly incompetent through the shirking of burdens by states pledged to its financial support.

During the years that followed his betrayal of Peter Martin's friendship the man had never made a friend who loved him for himself who believed in him or trusted him. In business circles his reputation for deals that were always carefully legal but often obviously dishonest had caused the men he met to accept him only so far as their affairs made the contact necessary.

"When I grew older, I met a great number of business men some of whom were my father's traveling salesmen. And they always made a point of telling how sharp they had been in their transactions. I know now that they were merely dishonest. I do not know whether father approved or not. They told these stories to entertain me and not when they were talking business with him.

"For my part," continued Porter, "I've never found it necessary to do anything I'm ashamed of in racing." His wife saw an opening. "But, John dear, you were treated most shamefully last year; a dishonest boy hauled your horse " "Pulled, mother," interposed Allis; "pulled father's horse, you mean."

Honest men have been excluded from the purchase of these lands, while the dishonest and unscrupulous have been permitted to enter them by means of false oath and fraud." These are but the merest glimpses of the widespread frauds in seizing land, whether agricultural, timber or mineral.