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Bach did not use dance-measures in his Church music, but in the absence of these lies the entire distinction between his Church and his secular compositions; the structure, manner and outlines of his songs are precisely alike indeed, he dished up secular airs for sacred cantatas. Purcell's style is largely a sort of fusion of all the styles in vogue in his lifetime.

Plunged into the gravel as far as the force of a blow could drive it, and pulled backward with the leverage obtained, the gravel was loosened and pried upward either in masses which could be lifted out entire, or so crumbled that it could be easily dished out with the clamshell.

I should judge my own ill-gotten income at twice or three times that of Dawson which even that cautious judge, Euclid, would declare to be absurd. He led me to the parlour, which was well and tastefully furnished Dawson has seen good houses and we waited there while Mrs. Dawson dished up the dinner. "Please sit there, Dawson, facing the light," said I. "Let me have a good look at you."

"Well met, my friends," came a voice they knew; and the two looked over their shoulders. "Dished, after all!" muttered Compton, bitterly; then he snatched up his rifle. "Hassan thought you would come along this way," went on the junior officer for it was he; "but I doubted, and yet here you are." "The praise be to Allah," remarked Hassan, piously, as he glanced along his rifle.

I may be mixing up with my first vague dread the certainty that came later. But sometimes I wonder why Reggie didn't suspect me. I suppose my rectitude that had dished me with Viola saved me with her brother. He took me to lunch with him at his club, and went off quite happily afterwards to the Army and Navy Stores to see about his kit. I went straight to Jevons's rooms in Bernard Street.

I teased up the furnace, I leveled the fire, I dished the cinders in to thicken the heat, and I watched the cobbles. During the melting of the pig-iron the furnace had to be kept as hot as coal could make it. Before the use of coal was discovered, the ancient iron makers used charcoal. So iron could only be made where there were forests to give fuel.

He's a heck of a cook. Dished up th' grub one season when I was punchin' for th' Tin-Cup up in Montana," replied Frenchy. "Oh, he kin cook now, all right." replied Waffles. "That's about all he can cook. Useter wash his knives in th' coffee pot an' blow on di' tins. I chased him a mile one night for leavin' sand in th' skillet. Yu can have him I don't envy yu none whatever.

"Ah," said Miss Marley, "that's a pity! The right end of the stick is, I believe, almost essential in marriage." "Yes," Winn acknowledged; "I see that now, of course. I was keen on getting her, but I hadn't thought the rest out. Rather odd, isn't it, that you don't get as much as a tip about how jolly a thing could be till you've dished yourself from having it?"

Besides, it was dished out by the caterer before the eyes of forty or fifty people or more and there was no telling which plate would go to Werner's place. The drinks were poured last of all. I remember seeing the bubbles rise and wondering whether they would register at the distance." Kennedy did not look at me.

"Now, Bang," said Transom, "turn in, and let us have a snooze, will ye?" Bang did not seem to like it much. "Zounds, Transom, did you ever hear of a gentleman being put to bed on a table? Why, it must be a quiz. Only fancy me dished out and served up like a great calipi in the shell!