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You shall hear young men of intelligence and cultivation, to whom the unprecedented circumstances of this country offer opportunities of a great and beneficent career, complaining that they were born within this blighted circle regretting that they were not bakers and tallow-chandlers, and under no obligation to keep up appearances deliberately surrendering all the golden possibilities of that Future which this country, beyond all others, holds before them sighing that they are not rich enough to marry the girls they love, and bitterly upbraiding fortune that they are not millionnaires suffering the vigor of their years to exhale in idle wishes and pointless regrets disgracing their manhood by lying in wait behind their "so gentlemanly" and "aristocratic" manners, until they can pounce upon a "fortune" and ensnare an heiress into matrimony: and so having dragged their gifts, their horses of the sun, into a service which shames out of them all their native pride and power, they sink in the mire, and their peers and emulators exclaim that they have "made a good thing of it."

I can't do otherwise it would mean disgracing myself for ever. 'H'm. If I don't consent to be your second you will find some one else. 'Yes ... undoubtedly. Pantaleone looked down. 'But allow me to ask you, Signor de Tsanin, will not your duel throw a slur on the reputation of a certain lady? 'I don't suppose so; but in any case, there's no help for it.

It is too late for him to engage in distant projects. BOSWELL. 'He seems to amuse himself quite well; to have his attention fixed, and his tranquillity preserved by very small matters. Women have a great advantage that they may take up with little things, without disgracing themselves: a man cannot, except with fiddling.

Polly came near disgracing herself by a laugh. "But it's against the rule, you know, to curl your hair, and Miss Sterling asked if she couldn't, just for the evening, and Miss Sniffen said no." The ladies gazed at one another, plain surprise on their faces. Then they looked questioningly at their presiding officer. "The Board never interferes with the superintendent's rules " began Mrs. Beers.

For a quiet, orderly, well behaved and most dignified street, Tenth Street, at seven o'clock one April night was disgracing itself in a way that must have shocked its inhabitants. Cabs driving like mad were rattling over the cobbles, making their way toward the old Studio Building. Policemen were shouting to the drivers to keep in line.

Not only had my aunt told old Dame Magdalen of his ill-behaving, but his father at Augsburg was dead, and so Pemhart could send him home to the dwelling he had inherited without disgracing him. Yet, after this, he made so bold as to sue for Ann in a right fairly written letter, to which she said him nay in a reply no less fairly written.

But it was more easy to displace one set of men for another than to find proper ones to occupy a situation in which, if they do their duty as patriots, they must offend France; and if they are our tools, instead of the independent governors of their country, they must excite a discontent among their fellow citizens, disgracing themselves as individuals, and exposing themselves as chief magistrates to the fate of the De Witts, should ever fortune forsake our arms or desert Bonaparte.

It was believed, for a few moments, that the carcass of Thomas Paine was on board, and several individuals were seen disgracing themselves by an impious joy. It was finally understood that Paine had missed his passage by this vessel and was to sail in a ship to New York. Under the New York news-head we perceive a vessel from Havre reported. Infidels! hail the arrival of your high-priest!"

But the joyous days of fete and pleasure at Quesnoy, at Paris, and The Hague were fast drawing to a close. On the fourth of April, 1417, the Dauphin John died by poisoning, in his father's castle at Compiegne the victim of those terrible and relentless feuds that were then disgracing and endangering the feeble throne of France.

"Madam Gordeloup, pray understand me; between you and me there shall be no further intimacy." "Certainly not. No further explanation is necessary, but our intimacy has certainly come to an end." "It has." "Undoubtedly." "Julie!" "That is such nonsense. Madam Gordeloup, you are disgracing yourself by your proceedings."