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This impression in regard to the fallibility of individual judgment has a wholesome effect on any tendency to be too positive and fixed, while it directly engenders respect for other people's opinions. Frequent discussion of questions in class, even among younger children, can have a similar influence, as can also the use of reference works and different texts on a subject.

Mr. No one could suppose him favorable to slavery, he detested it from his soul, but he had some doubts whether imposing a duty on the importation, would not have the appearance of countenancing the practice; it was certainly a subject of some delicacy, and no one appeared to be prepared for the discussion, he therefore hoped the motion would be withdrawn. Mr. Livermore.

On the one hand, his noble and truly gigantic efforts were only made possible by his almost fanatical conviction in his principles and in his mission. On the other hand, this dogmatic attitude made it very difficult to work with him, for persons of any independence of mind. He could scarcely brook discussion, never contradiction.

Mary's until last year and Fanchon says she's not only a great beauty but a great dear." "Ah!" rejoined the other with masterly indifference. "Dare say dare say." "No wonder you're not interested," said Cummings cheerfully, returning to the discussion of his bass. "The old villain will take precious good care you don't come near her." Mr.

No necessitates a discussion; Yes ends the matter, and economizes words and time. I was rather glad I had met these young sprigs of diplomacy. They are good antidotes for low spirits, for they are always in a hilarious state and enjoy their youth in idle pleasure, knowing they are destined to grow old in the soporific dulness of an Eastern court.

"We don't want advice. We shall manage things in our own way." Convinced that further discussion would be unavailing, Rodney relapsed into silence, but now his captors proceeded to unfold their plans. One of them procured a bottle of ink, some paper and a pen, and set them on the table. "Come up here, boy, and write to Mr. Pettigrew," he said in a tone of authority. "What shall I write?"

Yes, Miles, I feel as if I had put him to sleep after a long day of pain, as when he was a little child." They hardened themselves to the discussion, Mrs. Poynsett explaining what she thought the due of her eldest son, only that Cecil's jointure would diminish the amount at her disposal.

If you know me to be such as he alleged for I have lived nowhere else but among you let not my voice be heard, however transcendent my statesmanship. Rise up this instant and condemn me. With all your malice, AEschines, it was very simple to suppose that I should turn from the discussion of measures and policy to notice your scandal. I will do no such thing. I am not so crazed.

Reports on the meetings of the many American peace societies are given with the greatest fulness, and anything in the overseas news connected with the question of a restoration of peace is printed in a prominent position and duly discussed in the leading articles. "It would lead me too far to give even an approximately complete picture of this discussion with which the whole Press is occupied.

She has no sooner left the stage than these enter in search of her, and while away the time with a long discussion on the dangers of the wood and the protective power of virtue.