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I have just been reading the two last "Discours" at the French Academy, lingering over every word and weighing every idea.

Nothing could be more satisfactory to a worshipper of the severe truthfulness of science than the attempt to dispense with all beliefs, save such as could brave the light, and seek, rather than fear, criticism; while, to a lover of courage and outspokenness, nothing could be more touching than the placid announcement on the title-page of the "Discours sur l'Ensemble du Positivisme," that its author proposed

Many of the pensees of Pascal were preserved among the records of this salon, and Cousin finds reason for believing that they were first suggested and discussed here; he even thinks it possible, if not probable, that the "Discours sur les Passions de L'amour," which pertains to his mundane life, and presents the grave and ascetic recluse in a new light, had a like origin.

The English scientist's practical mind for he had always a practical end in view, however fantastic his methods showed itself in his counsel to the author of the Discours sur la Méthode. Why all this labour for mere abstract speculation? Why not apply his genius to the one great subject, the prolongation of human life? Descartes, it appears, did not need the advice.

It is a thing most incredible that that lake should be so boisterous, that the waves of it should have the strength to doe what I have to say by this my discours: first, that it's so high and soe deepe that it's impossible to claime up to the point.

Brit., 'Psychology, 11th ed., p. 577. Ed. 1898, p. 90. Discours sur la Méthode, 1637, IVe Partie. Aliotta, op. cit., p. 408. Ed. 1893, vol. ii, p. 759. First Principles, 6th ed., 1900, vol. i, p. 67. Article, 'Moses, in Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1913. Ed. Mangey, vol. i, pp. 44, 49. Ibid., pp. 80-179. Ibid., pp. 308, 427. Ibid., pp. 213, 121, 562, 691. Conf. x, 13, 2.

Cher Monsieur Reeve, J'etais bien sur de vous faire plaisir en vous envoyant les discours prononces sur la tombe de M. Mignet. Celui de M. Martha est le plus remarquable; M. Jules Simon a tres bien parle aussi; mais on peut trouver cependant que M. Martha l'emporte. Je suis tres sensible a votre amicale invitation, et je serai heureux de visiter cet ete votre ermitage de Foxholes.

* The Jacobins and the Moderates, who could agree in nothing else, were here perfectly in unison; so that on the same day we see the usual invectives of Barrere succeeded by menaces equally ridiculous from Pelet and Tallien "La seule chose dont nous devons nous occuper est d'ecraser ce gouvernement infame." Discours de Pelet, 14 Nov.

His known horror for the priesthood, and his deism were so little obtrusive that he turned out of his house a commercial runner sent by his great-nephew Desire to ask a subscription to the "Cure Meslier" and the "Discours du General Foy." Such tolerance seemed inexplicable to the liberals of Nemours.

Chapter vii. 14. Quand vous arriuez sur la moitié de quelque discours, ne vous enquerez pas du suiet de l'entretien; car cela est trop hardy & ressent l'homme d'authorité. Suppliez plûtost honnestement & courtoisement que l'on le poursuiue, si vous voyez qu'il se soir interronpu