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Rickman, the Junior Journalist, the obscure writer of brilliant paragraphs, a fellow destitute of reverence and decency and everything except consummate impudence, a disconcerting humour and a startling style. But he was still more distantly related to Mr. Rickman the young man about town. And that made four.

"Of course, Smith, of course," said the headmaster hurriedly, "I did not mean to suggest quite so, quite so. ... You think, then, that you confessed to an act which you had not committed purely from some sudden impulse which you cannot explain?" "Strictly between ourselves, sir ..." Privately, the headmaster found Psmith's man-to-man attitude somewhat disconcerting, but he said nothing.

D'Arcy I found that Sinfi had already spoken to him about our project. He seemed very reluctant for me to leave him, although I promised him that I would return. "It is a strange fancy of Sinfi's, Miss Wynne," said he, "and a very disconcerting one to me; but I feel that it must be yielded to. Whatever can be done to serve or even gratify Sinfi Lovell, it is my duty and yours to do." 'Mr.

These references to HIS wealth were most disconcerting, especially as they were accompanied by remarks about his origin, of which he was so ashamed that he had changed the spelling of his name in the effort to clear himself of it. However, some retort was imperative. He looked at her and said: "Swindler and adventuress!" "Don't repeat that lie," said she.

Her attitude toward him had not changed; she still dealt with him as the school teacher deals with the unruly scholar with a personal aloofness that promised an ever-widening gulf if he persisted in defying her authority. Calumet got this impression and it grew on him; it was disconcerting, irritating, and he tried hard to shake it off, to no avail.

"The gorp " Dane came back to the present and flushed. He dreaded admitting to a nightmare especially to Ali whose poise he had always found disconcerting. "No gorps here. Nothing but " Kamil's words were lost in the escape of metal against metal as a panel slide back in the wall. But no guard wearing the black and silver of the Patrol stepped through to summon them to trial.

And yet there fell on him, for all his happiness, a certain dissatisfaction. He would have liked to feel less elderly, less paternal; and the girl's frank confidence in him, treating him as she might have treated an uncle or an elder brother, was at once delightful and disconcerting. The day began to decline as they walked, and the light faded to a sombre bleakness.

"Are there any men about the place?" she asked, changing the subject with disconcerting suddenness. I flushed slightly at the taunt. "N-no! miss," I replied, in my best shop-keeper tone, "sorry, but we are completely out of them." She must have detected the flavour of sarcasm, for her lips relaxed for the briefest moment, and a smile was born which showed two rows of even white teeth.

It occurred to him that he might have cut himself in shaving; but when he looked in the mirror he could find no trace of even the slightest wound. He decided that, though he had not been aware of it, his nerves must be a little out of order. That was disconcerting. He had not taken his nerves into consideration for the simple reason that he had never known that he possessed any.

I wish I could really do something to help him." She knew from his look that he intended to hurl another disconcerting question at her. "Well, if you want to help him, why don't you?" he quizzed. "Why, I ... why, I'm not fit for anything, really," she tried to throw back. "My wife said you were pretty efficient at the Red Cross." "Oh, but that was different!" "Why?"