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"I won't work till the unions get better conditions for a man. I won't be no slave to no man." One sultry afternoon I went into the restaurant and found Flora away. Poignantly disappointed, I asked where she was. " Gone on a trip!" her mother explained, without explaining. From time to time Flora went on "trips."

He is greatly disappointed with the accident of yesterday, and he is never courteous to strangers when he is displeased. He was particularly anxious to have you entertained by the fete." "Thank you; I shall keep out of his way," promised the Englishman. "Where had I better stay here in my rooms?" "No, he might send for you. If you would care to see Winter Park, I can go with you as your guide."

And when a ranchman turned to homesteading, that was news! On October 19 the Drawing began. The government saw that every precaution must be taken to make sure of fair play; any suspicion of illegality might cause an uprising of the mob of a hundred thousand excited, disappointed people.

The period of being in season which commonly lasts three or four days, and then ceases for a while, and returns in about three weeks might entirely pass over; and, although it was then probable that conception had taken place, yet in a great many instances the hopes of the breeder were disappointed.

Isn't it queer, ma, how hard people can be on each other. It makes me afraid God must be disappointed lots of times, and feel like pulling down another flood and getting away to a fresh start again. "But I am not going to talk about anything until I get back to feeling the way I did when I went away. I want to see the hens and the cows and the new pigs.

One can imagine their consternation. This prodigy is explained by the fact that Dordrecht is founded on a stratum of clay, which had slipped on to the mass of turf which forms the basis of the soil. Such is the story as I heard it. Before the vessel left the Noord Canal the hope of seeing my first Dutch sunset was disappointed by another sudden change in the weather.

But mind, I don't want you to be disappointed. Most fairy princes are disappointing, so don't say I didn't warn you." "Oh, that will be all right," spoke Lulu, now quite happy again. "May I bring them this afternoon?" "Oh! I suppose so, but no one else, mind. You see the fairy prince is rather bashful." So Lulu promised she would bring no one else, and she hurried to the store and back again.

Tom was disappointed; he was in no mood for sitting still, and far less for talking.

"But you're an anarchist, of course," he added scornfully, "and a millionaire, from what I hear; so the unemployed have nothing to fear!" He had been disappointed on becoming personally acquainted with the old philosopher, and never disguised his ill-will.

Three-quarters of an hour later we were again hove-to, and I was once more in the gig, on my way to report to Captain Perry the result of my pursuit. To say that the commodore was also deeply disappointed is only stating the bare truth; yet I was not more than half-way through my narrative before I saw that some scheme was taking shape in the back of his mind.