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"At the same time," I replied, "I have other friends. I'm fond of the Blackwoods and the Peterses, I'm not advocating seeing less of them, but their point of view, if taken without any antidote, is rather narrowing. We ought to see all kinds," I suggested, with a fine restraint. "You mean more worldly people," she said with her disconcerting directness. "Not necessarily worldly," I struggled on.

Rachel rushed to the point with a passionate directness that did her no discredit. "Why have you pretended all these months that you never were in Australia in your life? Why did you never tell me that you knew Alexander Minchin out there?"

He was of the party of the Mountain as was but natural in a protege of the Seagreen Robespierre a party more famed for its directness of purpose than elegance of expression, and in its ranks there was room and to spare for such orators as he.

We have always found means to do that, and shall find them whenever it is necessary without calling our people away from their necessary tasks to render compulsory military service in times of peace. Allow me to speak with great plainness and directness upon this great matter and to avow my convictions with deep earnestness.

She thought with him passively altogether. On this occasion she had not to wait for directness in his eyes; she had to parry it. They were at a dinner-party at Lady Elsea's, generally the last place for seeing Lord Palmet, but he was present, and arranged things neatly for them, telling Beauchamp that he acted under Mrs. Wardour-Devereux's orders.

A woman whose thought fired mine even further just about this time, a large-minded woman, who studied society with an uncompromising directness that was scarcely to be met with in any man of the time in Denmark, was the wife of the poet Carsten Hauch.

The simple directness of the question seemed to rob it of its impertinence. Jeanne laughed goodhumouredly. "I can assure you that I did not," she answered. "To tell you the truth, and I hope that you will be kind and remember that I do not wish any one to know this, the reason why I only go out so early in the morning or late at night is because I do not wish to see any one from the Red Hall.

She sat down also, her flame-colored hair and bare shoulders gleaming in the darkness. She was the soul of directness and candor, and after a thoughtful, searching look into my face she came to the point at once. She wanted to hear about Farquharson from me. "Of course, my uncle has given me a very full account of what he learned from Mr. Leavitt, and yet many things puzzle me this Mr.

It was positively with trepidation that he presented himself before her very soon after his arrival; and an undeniable blush "mantled" his cheek if a blush can be said with any propriety to mantle the male cheek when he marched into the drawing-room, where she was doing a dainty bit of embroidery, and with much simplicity and directness said, "You said I might come, you know, and I have come; and I begged of Ethel to come too, but she could not leave my aunt," before he had so much as shaken hands.

There is a fine directness about courtship in Hughson's class, it puts the dots upon the i's; but Sadie must have preferred them dotless, for she said, "My name is not Sadie." "Mercy." "Nor Mercy." "Mer Mercedes, then." "Nor Mercedes alone." "Well, Miss McMurtagh, though I've known you from a child."