United States or Egypt ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was one of a number huddled together in an old and rather dilapidated building, and the porter at the entrance gave him minute directions as to its exact location, but after stumbling up three flights of dark stairs he had no trouble in finding it, for Miss Snell's name, preceded by a number of initials, shone out from a door directly in front of him as he reached the landing.

First, as to time: as the vessels in a harbour, and in the open sea without it, may be seen swinging with the tide at the same moment in opposite directions; the ebb has begun in the roadstead, while it is not yet high water in the harbour; so one or more nations may be in advance of or behind the general tendency of their age, and from either cause may be moving in the opposite direction.

'The manufacturers are working short time, and reducing wages in all directions, John Bright and Sons at Rochdale among the rest. The Zollverein increasing their import duties on cotton and linen yarn, and putting export duties of 25 per cent.

So he administered a double dose of Dover's Powders, and prohibited the drinking of cold water. His report was, on the whole, reassuring to Mary Potter. Provided his directions were strictly followed, he said, her son would be up in two or three days; but there might be a turn for the worse, as the shock to the system had been very great, and she ought to have assistance.

Content with the results achieved, need of further effort in other directions failed of recognition, and apathy became the general condition. It was during this season of repose that the public mind received first one shock and then another.

If there is "puffing," there is at least to be no payment for it, and that is a safe way of keeping the "puffer" to the truth! The curative effects of M'Clinton's soap will be found dealt with in the directions for treatment of various troubles throughout this volume.

She understood little babies from long experience in a district, and Gino soon ceased to give her directions, and only gave her thanks. "It is very kind of you," he murmured, "especially in your beautiful dress. He is nearly clean already. Why, I take the whole morning! There is so much more of a baby than one expects. And Perfetta washes him just as she washes clothes. Then he screams for hours.

The Colonization Society encouraged this migration, and the Negroes themselves had organized the Canadian exodus. The Rochester Negro convention in 1853 pronounced against migration, but nevertheless emissaries were sent in various directions to see what inducements could be offered. One went to the Niger valley, one to Central America, and one to Hayti.

You will soon be a big boy, and able to play at cricket and football, and fish and shoot." "I can answer for it that he will soon be able to fish if he follows my directions," observed the laird. "He already has some notion of throwing a fly, and I hope in the course of a year or two that he will turn out a good fisher."

If we could relocate the mine I think we could make our claim to it good at the land office." "Let us try it!" cried Merwell, eagerly. "We have as much chance to do it as the Morr crowd." "But he has that map, and the directions." "We overheard all their talk, so I know as much as Roger Morr does. As for Blower and Dillon, they don't know this district any better than you men do, do they?"