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I suppose he'll come before dinner's over." In the midst of this trifling conversation Lord Orville made his appearance. O how different was his address! how superior did he look and move, to all about him! Having paid his respects to Mrs. Beaumont, and then to Mrs. Selwyn, he came up to me, and said, "I hope Miss Anville has not suffered from the fatigue of Monday morning?"

They probably teach one something, or, at any rate, they alter one's point of view. When you've marched for days on half rations, some things don't seem so important how you put on your clothes, for instance, or how your dinner's served. But I don't see yet what bearing this has on your reluctance to extend the Clermont operations."

The cocktails were waiting when they entered the drawing-room, off the dining-room. The butler poured for them and put the glasses and the shaker on a low table by a lounge. "I'm afraid dinner's going to be a little later than I said, Mrs. Fleming," he apologized. "Things were kind of stirred up, today, with all those people here." "That's all right; we can wait," she replied.

I always brighten up when I see the dining-room door thrown open to an angle hospitably obtuse, and am pleased alike with the politely-worded request, 'Will the ladies and gentlemen please walk out and partake of some refreshments? or the blunt, kindly voice of mine host, 'Come, friends; dinner's ready. Still I assert my freedom from any slavish fondness for the creature comforts.

So lie right back where you are until dinner's ready, and tell us the best news of the Old Country. Jess was born there." It was characteristic treatment, and though the meal was frugal potatoes, pork, green tea, flapjacks and drips, which is probably glucose flavored with essences they gave me of their best, as even the poorest settlers do.

"The fact is," said he in an undertone after she was out of hearing, "it's a way Mrs. J has when she wants to see that dinner's all right. You see she's a terrible high-bred woman, being a cross between a gentleman-usher and a lady's-maid, and doesn't like to be supposed to look after these things, so when she goes, she always pretend to faint.

Having delivered himself of this sage comment he lit another cigarette, bade Jocantha a playfully affectionate good-bye, and departed into the outer world. "Remember, dinner's a wee bit earlier to-night, as we're going to the Haymarket," she called after him. Left to herself, Jocantha continued the process of looking at her life with placid, introspective eyes.

I've tried it, and I know. Why, I got so I couldn't even kill it EATIN' though I 'most killed myself TRYIN' to! An' let me tell ye another thing. A full stomach ain't in it with bein' hungry an' knowing a good dinner's coming.

"She's just heavenly!" said Glory to herself, standing at the back door, and gazing with a rapturous admiration at Faith's upturned face. "And the dinner's all ready, and I'm thankful, and more, that the custard's baked so beautiful!" "Sits the wind in that corner?" "For courage mounteth with occasion." The lassitude that comes with spring had told upon Mr. Gartney.

"Do, sir," here put in the landlord; "do, sir, accept the young gentleman's invitation. Your honour has of late been looking poorly, and the young gentleman is a funny young gentleman, and a clever young gentleman; and I think it will do your honour good to have a dinner's chat with the young gentleman."