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"I wish Count Stepanov could hear you. He made a suggestion about you last night." Her smile broadened, catlike. "Your request is very typical. I am satisfied. You do not understand all this but you can go out to-day. It makes no difference to me, as I shall not be dining at home." "Thank you, ma'am." Tuppence felt a sensation of relief once she was out of the other's presence.

"It will take about five hours," he answered. "It will be time enough, then, if you are back at half-past seven, Francis. Or stay: just leave my things out for dressing. You can have the evening to yourself. I am not dining at home, so I shall not want you." "Thank you, sir," said the man, leaving the room. "Now, Alan, there is not a moment to be lost. How heavy this chest is!

The hostess, in a tone of the deepest interest, inquired, "How soon did the effect pass off?" and the rector, a man of academical distinction, who had done his level best in his inaugural sermons on the previous Sunday, didn't half like the question. Not long ago I was dining with one of the City Companies. On my right was another guest a member of the Worshipful Company of Butchers.

Renney's room for lunch do you recollect? and sometimes in the evening, when everybody was gone out, you know; and what an airing we used to have to give the dining- room afterwards. How we used to enjoy them, Fleda you and I, all alone." "Yes," said Fleda, in a tone of doubtful enjoyment.

Upon arriving in Salem, Mr. For the first time since my husband can remember, he dined with his mother! This is only one of the miracles which the baby is to perform. Her grandmother held her on her lap till one of us should finish dining, and then ate her own meal. She thinks Una is a beauty, and, I believe, is not at all disappointed in her.

Enough of this,” he exclaimed in pleasanter tones, “come, dinner is served,” and turning, he led the way through the broad doorway of the log ranch house into an almost sumptuously furnished dining room where two silent, soft-footed Indians began immediately to serve a truly remarkable meal.

When the chief and the skipper begin to interfere with the dividends, they look overside some bright day and see Alden P. Ricks waiting for them on the cap of the wharf. And when the ship is alongside, the said Ricks comes aboard with five bones in his pocket, and the said skipper and the said chief are invited into the dining saloon to roll the said bones one flop and high man out. Yes, sir. Out!

His bow was so profound and his smile so arch that the little girl could not help laughing as she thanked him, while Lizzie whispered, "Isn't papa a funny man?" "Ask your friend to come into the library," called out Mr. Monson, as they were leaving the dining hall. "Father, isn't Poll sixty years old?" cried Lizzie, pressing forward to attract his attention.

It all tends, my dear, to loosen the marriage tie especially this frightful habit of dining in hotels and restaurants." Before she left Mrs. Holt insisted on going over the house from top to bottom, from laundry to linen closet. Suffice it to say that the inspection was not without a certain criticism, which must be passed over.

How many moving in the society of the west end, with a father a tobacconist or a cheesemonger in the city, would gladly pay well for a fashionable parent supposed to live upon his estate in Yorkshire, or entertaining, as the Morning Post has it, a “distinguished party at his shooting lodge in the Highlands.” What a luxury, when dining his friends at the Clarendon, to be able to talk of hisOld Governorhunting his hounds twice a week, while, at the same moment, the real individual was engaged in the manufacture of soap and short sixes.