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To the unities of time and place he has shewn no regard; and perhaps a nearer view of the principles on which they stand will diminish their value, and withdraw from them the veneration which, from the time of Corneille, they have very generally received, by discovering that they have given more trouble to the poet, than pleasure to the auditor.

I might chance, too, upon Durham or Wessex, of New Scotland Yard, both good friends of mine, or even upon the Terror of Chinatown, Chief Inspector Kerry, a man for whom I had an esteem which none of his ungracious manners could diminish.

I. 'As the infinitely perfect Being finds in himself a glory and a bliss that can never either diminish or increase, his goodness alone has determined him to create this universe: neither the ambition to be praised, nor any interested motive of preserving or augmenting his bliss and his glory, has had any part therein. This maxim is very good: praises of God do him no service, but they are of service to the men who praise him, and he desired their good.

After that, and as if to turn the right way, she was on the point of a blind dash, a weak reversion to the reminder that it might make a difference, might diminish the crime for Mrs. Beale; till such a reflexion was in its order also quashed by the visibility in Mrs.

When more preachers recover from the delusion into which so many of them have fallen such complaints will diminish. For all human experience proves that the preaching that appeals to fear of punishment as well as to hope of reward is the preaching that is really effective is the preaching of all the great preachers of the past and the present is the preaching that moves."

She stayed beside them, growling and roaring with rage and pain until the very building shook. Half an hour passed, and the tigress was now making no more than a low moan. Little by little her growling had died away. The Haydons heard the sound diminish with uneasy hearts.

There can be no exceptions to these rules, and although it may temporarily diminish the number of assemblies in your country, you should establish the Cause on this firm foundation by next Bahá’í election. Please send the Guardian ten copies of theParis Talksand ten copies ofSome Answered Questionsfor the international libraries here, and ten copies of any future publication in German.

The high banks might have been a hundred feet asunder; but, on the western side, a small bit of low land extended so far forward as to diminish the breadth of the stream to half that width.

I am always in favor of a man's "breaking off short" if he can. I believe that the majority of people who have used the drug less than a year can, but the number who are able to do it after that diminish in geometric ratio with every month of habituation. I therefore permit Mr. Edgerton, as soon as his stomach will bear it, to return to the use of opium.

This hurricane which is approaching, is from the direction of East-South-East, judging from the barometer and other conditions, and probably had its cradle a thousand or more miles away." "And it hasn't blown itself out?" "Far from it. It is only gathering strength and violence. Not until it twists off on its track will it begin to diminish.