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The cries of women and children, as they remained in trembling expectation of what the next hour might bring forth, were, said one who heard them, "enough to soften the hardest hearts." Nevertheless the diligence and courage of the Prince kept pace with the insurrection.

A very summary process completed the simple cookery, when he and the Mohicans commenced their humble meal, with the silence and characteristic diligence of men who ate in order to enable themselves to endure great and unremitting toil.

And so many a mile they drove together to their mutual good. For, while the doctor prosecuted with delight and diligence his healing art, all unconsciously he himself was regaining something of his freedom and manhood.

If we put it off, the places might all be taken, and then we should lose the passage money we have paid for the steamer." "Would not they pay us back again?" asked Rollo. "I am afraid not," said Mr. George. "But I think we are in season, for it is now Tuesday, and we do not sail till Thursday." On entering the diligence office, Mr. George saw one or two clerks standing behind a counter.

This co-operative plan, it has been found, begets a high degree of personal diligence, a loyalty to the institution, a sentiment of fraternity and a feeling of permanency among the workers that is very beneficial to all concerned. Each worker, even the most humble, calls it "Our Shop," and feels that he is an integral and necessary part of the Whole.

But you make me think of a time when you were indeed wonderful to behold when the little French soldiers wore white cockades in their shakos when the diligence was forty hours going to Paris; and the great-booted postilion, as surveyed by youthful eyes from the coupe, with his jurons, his ends of rope for the harness, and his clubbed pigtail, was a wonderful being, and productive of endless amusement.

There was a certain gentleness in the expression of her countenance which led Rollo to think that she must be a kindhearted and amiable girl. The boy looked at Rollo too, and followed him some time with his eyes, gazing at him as he came up the archway with a look of interest and curiosity. It was not yet quite time for the diligence to set out.

"What is what, aunt Miriam?" said Fleda, picking up a stitch with desperate diligence. "Why did you want to run away from Mr. Olmney?" "I didn't wish to be delayed I wanted to get home." "Then why wouldn't you let him go home with you?" "I liked better to go alone, aunt Miriam." "Don't you like him, Fleda?" "Certainly, aunt Miriam very much. "I think he likes you, Fleda," said her aunt smiling.

But we earnestly desire that every one of you do manifest the same diligence, in order to obtain the full assurance of hope unto the end: that ye be not slothful, but imitators of those who, by faith and long suffering, are inheriting the promises.

When he was not busy about Lanfear's work he was recording their conversations with the diligence of a biographer and the accuracy of a naturalist. Any attempt to question or minimize Lanfear's theories roused in his disciple the only flashes of wrath I have ever seen a scientific discussion provoke in him.