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The Baron stared at him for some moments, at the solid, capable, biddable creature he was, stable and passive in the jar of the overturned world. He pointed to the table. "Sit there, my good Haase," he ordered. "I will dictate you a telegram. Not code this time, plain German!" He resumed his to-and-fro walk while Herr Haase established himself.

What I have told you is the simple truth. Little as I like these hasty and irregular proceedings, you must be well aware that one in my humble position must needs do the bidding of those who have a right to dictate to him in such matters. The persons I have named to you were married by me this morning soon after daybreak at the chapel of St. Sulpice."

"I am of the opinion that we should never allow them to leave that camp," was John's observation, "because we are in a much better position to dictate to them during the hours of darkness, if we surround them." "My only doubts about that plan maybe summed up as follows: We can easily defeat them in a hand-to-hand fight; but we do not want to slaughter them.

Grand Master, Knight, and noble, soldier, peasant, and mariner, strove valiantly with the task of putting the island into a state of defence, and when at last the long-expected armada of their foes rose above that distant blue horizon in the north all had been done that skill and experience could dictate. It was upon May 18th in the year 1565 that the Turkish fleet arrived at Malta.

The two officers were agreed that Lord Tanlay had conducted himself with the utmost punctiliousness in every respect. Roland declared that Sir John's request for the services of one of his two seconds was not only just but suitable, and he authorized either one of them to act for Sir John and to take charge of his interests. All that remained for Roland to do was to dictate his conditions.

After all, neither side was in August 1916 in a position to dictate to neutrals; and the Rumanian Army counted for too much in the delicate balance for any belligerent Power to invite its hostility by undue pressure. The decision was Rumania's own, and it was not unnatural. She had been on the eve of intervention more than a year before, but German successes in 1915 had constrained her to caution.

I believe, intends to intimate that there might be a use for the intellectual class, the thinkers and writers with the imagination that can put them mentally in the place of the individuals who make up the masses, think the thoughts and live the lives vicariously of the people who are the nation, and if the "Junker" class of England and Germany and kindred nations who govern and dictate its policies were leavened with the brains and broad-mindedness of the thinkers there might be found a better use for men than killing each other and a brighter outlook for the world which is now filled with widows and orphans.

The congregational constitution of 1762 especially reserved for the pastor the right to "conduct hours of edification, exhortation, and prayer in churches and schools, on week-days or evenings, as necessity might dictate, and as strength and circumstances might permit." J. H. C. Helmuth was the first to report on a revivalistic awakening in his congregation at Lancaster, in 1773.

Here you may see six or eight secretaries writing for hours each day, as fast as the men can dictate their messages and tell their stories. Then there arose the problem of how to keep these men in touch with their households in isolated and illiterate villages in India. Mr.

There was no term of endearment that the heart of woman could dictate to her speech, that was not lavished on the lifeless clay. She called the dead "her Miles," "her beloved Miles," "her husband," "her own darling husband," and by such other endearing epithets.