United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This is a portion of the country that, Heaven be praised! still retains some of the good old-fashioned directness and simplicity. Bucks is full of Jacks, and Bens, and Dicks, and we question if there is such a creature, of native growth, in all that region, as an Ithusy, or a Seneky, or a Dianthy, or an Antonizetty, or a Deidamy.

To Phineas it seemed that a cold hand clutched his heart. "Dianthy, you wouldn't really ride in one!" he faltered. Until that moment Diantha had not been sure that she would, but the quaver in Phineas's voice decided her. "Wouldn't I? You jest wait an' see!" And Phineas did wait and he did see.

"We'll go home through the Holler," said Phineas, after she had retied her veil and they were ready to start. "It's the long way round, ye know. I ain't goin' ter give ye no snippy little two-mile run, Dianthy, like Colonel Smith did," he finished gleefully. "No, of course not," murmured Diantha, smothering a sigh as the automobile started with a jerk.

The whole morning was spent by the coachman, scouring the country with the Taylor barouche and horses for no time was to be spent in changing harness in pursuit of Dianthy This, and Araminty That. Mrs. Taylor, of course, awaited his return with trembling anxiety; the Saratoga party had gone off to fish, escorted by Mr.

"Tain't much like last year, is it, Dianthy?" crowed Phineas, shrilly, in her ear then something went wrong. Phineas knew it instantly. The quivering thing beneath them leaped into new life but a life of its own. It was no longer a slave, but a master. Phineas's face grew white.

"Ye can do 'most anythin' with these 'ere things if ye only know how, Dianthy. Didn't we come slick?" "Yes, indeed," stammered Diantha, hastily smoothing out the frown on her face and summoning a smile to her lips not for her best black silk gown would she have had Phineas know that she was wishing herself safe at home and the automobile back where it came from.

"Plague take them autymobiles!" snarled Phineas through set teeth, as he sawed at the reins. "I ax yer pardon, I'm sure, Dianthy," he added shamefacedly, when the mare had dropped to a position more nearly normal; "but I hain't no use fur them 'ere contraptions!" Diantha frowned. She was frightened and because she was frightened she was angry.

"Comin' next week." "An' did you try 'em all, as you said you would?" Phineas stirred; then he sighed. "Well, I dunno," he acknowledged. "I hain't done nothin' but ride in 'em since I went down I know that. But there's such a powerful lot of 'em, Dianthy; an' when they found out I wanted one, they all took hold an' showed off their best p'ints 'demonstatin', they called it.