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Even then it is doubtful if he would have accomplished his purpose had he not, in the spring, fallen heir to a modest legacy of a few thousand dollars. The news of his good fortune was not two hours old when he sought Diantha. "I cal'late mebbe I'll be gettin' me one o' them 'ere autymobiles this spring," he said, as if casually filling a pause in the conversation. "<i>Phineas</i>!"

"Plague take them autymobiles!" snarled Phineas through set teeth, as he sawed at the reins. "I ax yer pardon, I'm sure, Dianthy," he added shamefacedly, when the mare had dropped to a position more nearly normal; "but I hain't no use fur them 'ere contraptions!" Diantha frowned. She was frightened and because she was frightened she was angry.

"Wal, I ain't got none o' them autymobiles, nor yet no airship; but I've got a old nag that can do the piece in an hour or so." "Why do you want to take me home with you?" asked Marjorie, for she couldn't help a feeling that there was something wrong. "Why, bless your heart, child, bekase you're alone and forlorn and hungry and all done out.

Look more like like a feller that don't know much about hard work. Interested in autymobiles?" "Yes," said Jimmy, telling the truth. The old man cackled and said, "By gum! I thought so I can spot 'em." "How do you do that?" queried Jimmy, instantly curious concerning this new psychological art.