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This completed, the child is brought up to the fire, and is crowned with the intestines; while one of the mediums strikes the ground vigorously with a split stick, to attract the attention of the spirits. Next, she secures a rooster, and with this in one hand and a spear in the other, she marches five times around the fire meanwhile reciting a diam.

When all is ready, a medium seats herself by the mat, dips oil from a shallow dish with a small head-axe, and lets it drip onto the ground; then she does the same with basi, and finally strokes a rooster which lies beside the jar, all the while reciting the proper diam.

It occurs about the roots of trees in the Frankland and Lizard Islands. Helix iuloidea. Tab. 2 fig. 4. a, b, c, d. Testa late et perspective umbilicata, orbicularis, superne depressa seu subconcava, rufo-cornea, regulariter costulata; anfractus 4 1/2 convexiusculi, ultimus tumidus, rotundatus; apertura lunaris; peristoma simplex, acutum. Diam. maj. 4 1/2, min. 4, alt. 3 mill.

Testa perforata, depresso-convexa, laevigata, nitidiuscula, pallide cornea, basi subcompressa; anfractus 6, planiusculi; spira obtusa; apertura lunaris; peristoma rectum, simplex, margine columellari reflexo: umbilicus minutus, subobtectus. Diam. maj. 8 min. 7 alt. 5 mill.

Meanwhile Selday is besought to respect the grave and leave it untouched. The animal is cut up, and a small piece is given to each guest, who will stop on the way to his home, and place the meat on the ground as an offering, meanwhile repeating a diam. Should he fail to do this, sickness or death is certain to visit his home or village.

Likewise, when she offers food in the Dawak ceremony, she relates how the spirit Kaboniyan taught the Tinguian to do this in the same manner that he performs it. In the Pala-an diam she relates, in story form, the cause of the sickness, but in this case ends with a direct invocation to the spirits in Dadaya to "make them well again if you please."

No trace of a carapace! no trace of the paired eyes! no trace of masticating organs near the mouth which is overarched by a helmet-like hood! Nauplius of a Prawn, magnified 45 diam. Young Zoea of the same Prawn, magnified 45 diam. Older Zoea of the same Prawn, magnified 45 diam.

Not long after he singed the pigs and he carried them to the people, and his wife Dapilísan carried one little jar which looked like a fist, filled with basi. As soon as the woman who was making Sayang had finished the diam near by the well, Dapilísan made the people drink the basi which she carried.

The antennae, organs of the mouth, and natatory feet, exhibit the same structure. But the tail bears FIVE pairs of setae, and the dorsal spine is wanting, whilst, on the contrary, the frontal process and the lateral spines are of extraordinary length, and directed straight forward and backward. Zoea of Porcellana stellicola, F. Mull. Magnified 15 diam.

The writer tried on two occasions to get this diam, but it was given so low and indistinctly that its full content was not secured, neither was it possible to get the medium to repeat it after the ceremony. From what was heard it seems probable it is the dawak diam, a guess made more probable by the killing of the dog and the bathing which follows.