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"Que diable as tu?" cried I, out of all patience at this unintelligible pantomime. The rooms wanted airing and sweeping, she said; they were not fit to receive a stranger in. She only required a quarter of an hour to put every thing to rights; and mean time, if I would be so good, for the sake of the honour of the house, just to stir the soup, and keep an eye upon the ham and buffalo flesh.

"But she would soon find some one else to take my place?" "Ce n'est pas ca, ce n'est pas ca," again interrupted De Griers. "Que diable! Do not leave her alone so much as advise her, persuade her, draw her away. In any case do not let her gamble; find her some counter-attraction." "And how am I to do that? If only you would undertake the task, Monsieur de Griers!"

André, extolled by her latest critics as "a delicious eclogue of the fields," was contemporary with the bombastic, false Byronism of Jacques; the feeble narrative of La Mare au Diable with the passion-introspection of Lucrezia Floriani. The ever-popular Consuelo immediately succeeded the feeble Compagnon du Tour de France.

I've a mind to do it for myself, Pendennis. You don't understand me, Viscount." "Il est vrai," said Florac, with a shrug, "I comprehend neither the suicide nor the chaise-de-poste. What will you? I am not yet enough English, my friend. We make marriages of convenance in our country, que diable, and what follows follows; but no scandal afterwards! Do not adopt our institutions a demi, my friend.

"They manage these things better in France," was evidently the impression of a recent French tourist in Ireland, M. Daryl, whose book I picked up the other day in Paris, for after mentioning three or four of the pictures, and gravely affirming that the existence here of a gallery of Irish portraits proves the passionate devotion of Dublin to Home Rule, he dismisses the collection with the verdict that "ce ne vaut pas le diable."

What charm! What beauty!" "Der Herr Amerikaner?" blurted the surprised Berliner. "No diable! His belle companion!" "Where?" said Sonia Turgeinov, well knowing. A face that her table companion regarded, she, too, saw beyond the flowers.

Think of me as kindly as you can speak of me as indulgently as your conscience will permit, and once more adieu. 'And adieu, my dear Waverley! many, many thanks for your kindness. Unplaid yourself on the first opportunity. I shall ever think on you with gratitude, and the worst of my censure shall be, QUE DIABLE ALLOIT-IL FAIRE DANS CETTE GALERE?

'Cure me against to- morrow, she said, 'and name your own reward. 'Madame, it is impossible to do so with safety to your health. 'Au diable! with your health, said the duchesse, 'what is health to an eruption? The doctors took the hint; an external application was used the duchesse woke in the morning as beautiful as ever the entertainment took place she was the Armida of the scene.

Once Calcutta was in extremis, it was dying of the blues; the East India company was rich but not amusing; with all its treasure it could not buy one smile for Calcutta, so Paris sent Robert le Diable, La Muette de Portici, a drama or two of Hugo and Dumas. Calcutta became convalescent and recovered.

"Diable, Monsieur le Comte! Germans transformed the world! What revolutions do you speak of?" "The invention of gunpowder, the invention of printing, and the expansion of a monk's quarrel with his Pope into the Lutheran revolution." Here the German paused, and asked the Vicomte to introduce him to Vane, which De Breze did by the title of Count von Rudesheim.