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"Don't you go for to worry yourself, darlin'; dere's plenty ob time," said Chloe, beginning her work with all speed, however; "de mistress had ordered de breakfast at nine, dese holiday times, to let de ladies an' gen'lemen take a mornin' nap if dey likes it."

She stated, "Dese Buckners war sho good to me, eben now dey chilluns comes to see me and always bring me something. Dey don let my taxes lapse am I'se neber widout somting to eat." My man and I was married by Mr. Alexander at McClain College. I was de cook an he was the janitor. My man followed his Massa in de Secess War.

It clouded up en 'uz pooty dark for a little while. So I clumb up en laid down on de planks. De men 'uz all 'way yonder in de middle, whah de lantern wuz. De river wuz a-risin', en dey wuz a good current; so I reck'n'd 'at by fo' in de mawnin' I'd be twenty-five mile down de river, en den I'd slip in jis b'fo' daylight en swim asho', en take to de woods on de Illinois side.

"Not for a day or two. Why?" she asked, glancing quickly down at him. "Oh, nuffin', only I wuz afeared dar'd been somethin' bad a gwine on dar, right lately." "What do you mean, Charles?" she asked, bending down and speaking anxiously. "Don't say nuffin' 'bout it, Miss Mollie dey don't know nuffin' 'bout it in h'yer," nodding toward the house, "but de Ku Kluckers was dar las' night."

He sat down on the dog-kennel with his hands on his knees, staring at the dim earth. Puttany went from tent to cabin, calling his daily playmate, unable to convince himself that some unusual thing had happened, and he hoped that Brown would contradict him when he felt compelled to announce his slow discovery. "Dey vas gone!"

Several other camps were passed and then, when Vincent knew that they were well in rear of the whole of them, they rose to their feet and started forward at a run. Suddenly Tony touched Vincent, and they both stood still. A distant shout came through the air, followed by another and another. "I 'spect dey hab found out we have gone, sah.

Massa Gen'l, 'spect it be de bes'; for afore de Laud I feels curous when you is fitin'. Somehow I doesn't jes' feel rite all de time dey is shootin'. It seems dey would kill a darky jes'as quick as dey do a white man. "'Yes, said the General; 'why not? "'Well, sah, I doesn't know why; it 'pears like dey wouldn't kill the darkies when we work for dem so long.

"An' den it depends on de gross total o' buttons an' mucilage dey gits outer youse at Barren Island." "They tell me you're a prominent philosopher." The yellow horse turned to Marcus. "Can you deny a basic and pivotal statement such as this?"

Dey don't know vat dey vant and you never have it. No, it ain't no customer it's Bobby." The door was burst open, and a boy in a blue jumper, his cap thrust so far back on his head that it was a wonder it didn't fall off, cried out: "Say! One of the sideboards is stuck on the iron railing and we can't get it furrards or back.

I t'ink sometimes dat monkey is best, but I can't easy git ober de face." "How so, Quashy?" "'Cause it am so like eatin' a bit o' my great-gran'moder." "Indeed!" "Yes. You's no notion how like dey all is to dat ole lady. You see, she was uncommon old. She come ob a long-lib race. Das whar' it is.