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Chames, he must have got a lot of plunks to buy dis place. And I know how he got dem, too. Dat's right. I comes from old New York meself." "Hush, Spike, this is scandal!" "Sure," said the Bowery boy doggedly, securely mounted now on his favorite hobby horse. "I knows, and youse knows, Mr. Chames. Gee, I wish I'd bin a cop. But I wasn't tall enough. Dey's de fellers wit' de long green in der banks.

Dat's like de Harrises, dey's mighty quar, stickin' to dar word till they die like that Cassy-by-anker on de burnin' ship. Glory to God, glory! I mus' shout, I mus' hurrah. Glory!" He went careering round the room like one mad, knocking over a chair, waking up Amy, and bringing her to the scene of action.

As noon approached Quashy gave a shout, and pointed to the horizon ahead of them, where living objects of some kind were seen moving along. "Ostriches," said Lawrence. "Dey's a noo kind ob ostriches wid four legs," returned the negro, "an' wid peepil on deir backs." "I believe you are right. A party of mounted men, apparently. Come, this is well.

"I 'spect dey's as tired as a fish mus' be of de water," said Maria. She had a fine specimen under her hand at the moment, which I suppose suggested the figure. "Then why do they not come as usual, Maria? there were only a few last night." "Dere was so few, it was lonesome," said Maria. "Then what is the reason?" "Dere is more reasons for t'ings, den Maria can make out," she said thoughtfully.

"De limit, Mr. Chames. Honest, I'm on pink velvet. Dey's an old gazebo, de butler, Keggs his name is, dat's de best ever at handing out long woids. I sit and listen. Dey calls me Mr. Mullins down dere," said Spike, with pride. "Good. I'm glad you're all right. There's no reason why we shouldn't have an excellent time here. I don't think that Mr.

"Shut up, Phil! Well, uncle, did this interesting old family die out, or is it represented in the present generation?" "Lawd, no, suh, de fambly did n' die out 'deed dey did n' die out! dey ain't de kind er fambly ter die out! But it's mos' as bad, suh dey's moved away.

Wimmens is mons'us onreasonable nohow. Dey's jes' like a catfish: you can n' tek hole on 'em like udder folks, an' when you gits 'im yo' can n' always hole 'em. "What meks me think so?

A new governor was appointed in his place, who, having a mortal hatred to Balboa, threw him into prison, and, after a mock trial, had him beheaded, in 1517, in his 48th year. When Admiral Keppel was sent to the Dey of Algiers, to demand restitution of two ships which the pirates had taken, he sailed with his squadron into the Bay of Algiers, and cast anchor in front of the Dey's palace.

"What about?" "Why, doan yo' know, Cun'l?" and Mammy looked her surprise. "Jes as soon as de young folks heard de news 'bout Missie Jean an' Mistah Dane dey made plans to cel'brate, so dat's what dey's doin' now. An' listen, Cun'l, to de music. Simon's settin' on a log, playin' fo' all he's worf, an' de young folks is a dancin'. Yo' bett'r come an' see fo' yo' set."

A compliance with the Dey's request appears to me to be of serious importance.