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The world would be utterly bad, in the opinion of the average Englishman, unless he could say "Britannia rules the waves"; in the opinion of the average German, unless he could say "Deutschland über alles." For the sake of these beliefs, they are willing to destroy European civilization. If the beliefs should happen to be false, their action is regrettable.

They knew they must all be shot, but they marched on just the same, singing 'Deutschland ueber Alles. They knew they were going against the English, and nothing could stop them." Her brother would go back if he had to crawl back if only she could go and not have to sit here and wait! "I told you," she said, "when you first came in, that I was German.

With a greasy chuckle, he mounted his chair and turned the sign about. On the reverse side there was a coat-of-arms, and the words: 'DEUTSCHLAND ÜBER ALLES. 'Vot you tink? grinned Mr. Schneider, speaking from the altitude of the chair. 'Goot, ugh? He turned the thing about and stepped down again, wringing his hands in huge enjoyment of the whole thing.

First comes a long, swift ship, the Deutschland, quivering and rolling over the dull March waves of the Atlantic. Then the morning sunlight streams on the jagged rocks of the Lizard, where two wrecked steamships are hanging, and on the green headlands and gray fortresses of Plymouth.

What cheering there was from Brooklyn shores as these transports and convoys, black with men, steamed slowly into the ravished upper bay, their bands crashing out "Deutschland Ueber Alles" and their proud eagles floating from all the mast-heads! "This makes three hundred thousand first-class fighting-men," scowled Frederick Palmer as we watched the pageant.

Dante inspired this monstrous and ennobled masterpiece, but Baudelaire filled many of its chinks and crannies with writhing ignoble shapes; shapes of dusky fire that, as they tremulously stand above the gulf of fears, wave ineffectual desperate hands. Heine in his Deutschland asks: Kennst du die Hölle des Dante nicht, Die schreckliche Terzetten?

Momus had at last arrived in ancient Deutschland and was feared. While the movement, which was presuming to cover Germany with sculptures of its heroes in complete undress, honored itself by such fitting testimonials to their lordliness, Fritz curiously shrank before public statues depicting his fat housewife in like absence of attire.

Of Heine’s humorous poetry, “Deutschlandis the most charming specimencharming, especially, because its wit and humor grow out of a rich loam of thought. “Atta Trollis more original, more various, more fantastic; but it is too great a strain on the imagination to be a general favorite.

Hal lowered his sword, and, stepping back a pace, called upon the enemy to surrender. "Never!" came the reply, followed by the German battle-cry: "Deutschland über alles!" A revolver bullet tore a ragged hole through Hal's cap, and a second one passed just under his left arm. But now the revolvers of the Germans were all empty, and the fighting continued with swords alone.

This change for the better was reflected with special clearness in the reception given to the merchant submarine Deutschland, as I have already described. At the time of this speech of Mr. Wilson's, I sent the following report: REPORT IN CIPHER "Washington, 28th May, 1916. "The placation of American public opinion is progressing.