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Not even you, Governor and you are as clever as anybody I know. It's a sheer question of humanity, without any possible outside incident. I've got two things against me which are about as serious as anything can be the mother's prejudice against you, and the daughter's prejudice against me both deuced well founded, it seems to me." "You forget one thing, Brook," said Sir Adam, thoughtfully.

Edestone," he said, "we have had a deuced good time together, and to tell the truth I am sorry to turn you over because I do not believe these old fellows on the General Staff will understand you as I do, but don't be an ass, I beg of you, and stand up against these wise old chaps. Do what they want you to do they know better than you how to handle this complicated European situation.

"By Jove!" exclaimed Hawbury again. "But drive on, old boy." "Well, you know, the row occurred just then, and away went the scoundrels to the fight, and in came that parson fellow, and away we went. I took Mrs. Willoughby to a safe place, where I kept her till I heard the trumpet, you know. And I've got another thing to tell you. It's deuced odd, but she knew all about me." "The deuce she did!"

"No," replied Heyton, moistening his lips as he stood behind the Inspector. "And you are sure this window was open when you went out this morning, my lord? What time was that, by the way?" "A little after six," replied Heyton. "It was deuced hot; I woke and had a fancy for a swim. There was no one about, and I opened the door, this door, for myself."

My coming in gave him a start seemed to rouse him from a kind of trance, you know and he jumped like an antelope; and, if I hadn't happened to grab him, he would have trampled bang on the thing. It was deuced unpleasant, you know. His manner was rummy. He seemed to be brooding on something. What ought I to do about it, do you think?

It must be a deuced good thing too, or he wouldn't refuse my offer of money." Mr. Sheldon was the last man in the world to reveal any mortification which he might experience from his brother's conduct. "Well, you're quite right to stick to your chance, George," he said, with agreeable frankness. "You've waited long enough for it.

One of his nieces was always ready to shake him by the elbow, and address him with an expostulatory "Oh! dear uncle!" which, though delivered with silvery voice, seemed to him deuced provoking. For some time, the old Indian good-naturedly acquiesced in these arrangements; and was far too polite at any time to scold, or hazard a scene. Mrs.

'Am I mistaken in supposing that my name has been forged to a letter? 'I am sure you are mistaken if you think that Melmotte had anything to do with it. 'Squercum says 'Never mind Squercum. We all know what are the suspicions of a fellow of that kind. 'I'd believe Squercum a deuced sight sooner than Melmotte. 'Look here, Dolly.

"I thought of presenting you to the proprietor of the island, sir." My uncle looked at me fixedly for a moment and then abruptly enquired: "Do you mean to marry her, Roger?" "That's entirely for her to say, Uncle Francis." "Well, you'll be deuced lucky if she says 'yes'! By the way, what are you going to marry on?" This was a somewhat delicate question but I thought it best to be candid.

Ze varning vas to him obviously, so you should not turn it upon me." Bunker opened his eyes. "A deuced ingenious argument," he commented. "It wouldn't have occurred to me if you hadn't explained. Then you claim the privilege of wooing whom you wish?" "Wooing! You forget zat I am married, Bonker." "Oh no, I remember perfectly." His tone disturbed the Baron.