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Willoughby, after an eloquent and pathetic appeal "think how the poor child will be talked about!" "Well, really ah 'pon my life," said Hawbury, with his eyes still wandering over toward Ethel, "I'm sure I don't ah share your views altogether, Mrs. Willoughby; for ah there are times, you know, when a fellow finds it very uncommonly desirable runaway matches, you know, and all that sort of thing.

Only here and there is it necessary by careful breeding to develop domesticated habits to the point where the forms will endure culture. Where the task is, however, to make avail of some natural peculiarity which promises to be useful, but is not yet of economic value, it may require a hundred generations of careful selection to develop and fix desirable features.

Jefferson saw this, and very consistently maintained that one generation has no power to bind another; and, as if this was not enough, he asserted the right of revolution, and gave it as his opinion that in every nation a revolution once in every generation is desirable, that is, according to his reckoning, once every nineteen years.

He himself was world-weary and was anxious to exchange his imperial cares for the repose of the Church could he only find a safe guardian for his son, Maximilian, and a desirable successor for himself. Would not Matthias consider the two offices?

Appleman put on mourning, and she and Jane, the daughter, settled down into the management of their own affairs. As heretofore indicated, the farm had not been a bonanza, even when its master was in charge, though its soil was rich and it was a most desirable inheritance. Even less profitable did it become under the management of the supposed widow and her daughter.

Obviously there wasn't time to write Daniel and have a reply by then. The other desirable hotels were as full as the Inglaterra. He must wire, but the composition of his telegram presented an unexpected difficulty: Lee didn't know how to explain the presence with him of Savina; he couldn't determine how much or how little to say; and it was probable that Daniel had had a cable from Eastlake.

From this it follows, that there are these parts in things which are desirable, what is honourable, and what is useful. And these parts in things which are to be avoided, what is dishonourable, and what is useless.

If Michelangelo meant to carve a Bacchus, he failed; if he meant to imitate a physically desirable young man in a state of drunkenness, he succeeded. What Shelley wrote upon this statue may here be introduced, since it combines both points of view in a criticism of much spontaneous vigour. "The countenance of this figure is the most revolting mistake of the spirit and meaning of Bacchus.

Practically all the books I read carried me to the Old World, and most often to England, which for me was rapidly becoming a synonym for romance, charm, interest, culture, and all the good things of which one dreams. Everything desirable, and not noticeable or recognised as being in my daily life, I grew gradually to think of as being part and parcel of English life.

"There are intelligent persons who suggest that the imposing of alien duties on alien ships, rather than on alien merchandise, would augment our naval strength." Colonies therefore were esteemed desirable to this end chiefly. To use the expression of a French officer, they were the fruitful nursery of seamen.