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Mrs Wedgwood said; then turning round, she added: "Surely some of you must recognise him! he is so very clear and distinct in his whole personality." Mrs Desertis whispered something to her husband, who asked at once if the old gentleman's hair was very white. "Yes; quite white," said Mrs Wedgwood hopefully. "And curly and long?"

"Where we should have been seen all four conferring together, so that at the end of a quarter of an hour the cardinal would have been informed by his spies that we were holding a council." "Yes," said Aramis, "Athos is right: ANIMADVERTUNTUR IN DESERTIS." "A desert would not have been amiss," said Porthos; "but it behooved us to find it."

"Yes; curly and quite long, reaching to his collar," continued Mrs Wedgwood, still more confidently. But our hopes were dashed when Mr Desertis turned round drily to his wife: "Then it cannot possibly be my father, as you suggested. His hair was white, but quite short." It was a cruel blow!

On this occasion she had asked some friends to meet me at tea, amongst them Mrs Alfred Wedgwood, to whom I had introduced her some years previously, and my friends "V. C. Desertis" and his wife. A Miss Farquhar, whom I knew very slightly, was sharing a sofa with me, she sitting at one end and I at the other, leaving a vacant space between us.

"Quingena viginti octo millia quadringinta duo jugera, quae Campania provincia, juxta inspectorum relationem, in desertis et squalidis locis habero dignoscitur, iisdem provincialibus concessum." Cod. Theod. lxi. i. 2382.

Qualis Thesea iacuit cedente carina Languida desertis Gnosia litoribus, Qualis et accubuit primo Cepheia somno Libera iam duris cotibus Andromede, Even when one comes to them fresh from Virgil, lines like these open a new world of sound.

Terminatur a Septemtrione Africo pelago, ab Ortu sinu magna Syrtis, a Meridie montium perpetuis jugis; quibus a Libya desertis et Gatulis discernitur; ab Occasu Tusca amne. Continet hodie Tunetanum regnum. Fluvii in ea clari Cinyphus, Triton, Tritonidem paludem trahens: Catada, ad Carthaginem se devolvens, et Bagradas omnium maximas ad Vticam, ac Tuscaterminus Africa Minoris.

Mrs Wedgwood was talking to Mr Desertis at the moment, but suddenly looked across the room at our sofa, and began describing very graphically an old man of benevolent aspect sitting between Miss Farquhar and myself, leaning on a stick, and wearing a soft felt hat. "He has long hair, almost down to his coat collar, and he looks such a dear, kind old man!"