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There was, of course, a profuse interchange of courtesy between the departing and the newly-arrived Governors. Alva was willing to remain a little while, to assist his successor with his advice, but preferred that the Grand Commander should immediately assume the reins of office. To this Requesens, after much respectful reluctance, at length consented.

All the signatures were on one side, so I turned the menu over in order to offer him a clear space, but he turned it back again, saying, "Please let me sign on this side. I find myself in good company with the defenders of Verdun." At departing he said to me, "We may all be happy now since certainly we are on the right side of the hill."

At last they found the clothes, and at once concluded that he had taken to the river. Then they took the bloodhounds over to the other side, and searched for the place of his exit from the water. The dogs could not find that, as might be expected, and then, after a due time spent in consultation, they concluded that he was drowned, and departing much comforted, searched no more for him.

'Then go, she beckoned, and held her hand for him to kiss. He raised it to his lips. This was seen of all the Club. As they were departing with Farina, and Guy prepared to demand admittance into the convent, Dietrich chanced to ask how fared Dame Lisbeth. Schwartz Thier was by, and answered, with a laugh, that he had quite forgotten the little lady. 'We took her in mistake for you, mistress!

Here, at these very towns, was the outfitting place and departing point of the caravans of the early Santa trade; here the Oregon Trail left for the far Northwest; and here the Forty-niners paused a moment in their mad rush to the golden coast of the Pacific.

"The world is empty because God is leaving it," he said, sorrowfully raising his eyes to the tranquil heavens, "and the joy of existence is departing because the Divine and Holy Spirit of things is being withdrawn!" He moved on a few paces, and once more through the deep stillness the little sobbing cry of sorrow was wafted tremulously to his ears.

Even in this some of the intruders were unsatisfactory. Those who had been received into the "bosom" of hotels often forgot to settle before departing.

The mother advanced with a cheerful air; Minna sat fair and beautiful as the early snow of autumn reposing on the departing flowers, soon to be dissolved and lost in the cold stream. The ranger, with a written paper in his hand, was walking up and down in an agitated manner, struggling to suppress his feelings his usually unmoved countenance being one moment flushed and the next perfectly pale.

Through Lise's degrading act she had arrived at the conclusion that all adventure and consequent suffering had to do with Man a conviction peculiarly maddening to such temperaments as Janet's. Therefore she interpreted her suffering in terms of Ditmar, she had looked forward to tormenting him again, and by departing he had deliberately balked and cheated her.

I was no sooner within the confines of heaven, than my life seemed to be departing from me, and from the violent pains and anguish which seized my head and body, I threw myself prostrate on the ground, where I writhed about like a snake when it is brought near the fire.