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In short, by the very absence of that Dignus deo vindice nodus, that knot which only a God could untie, which heathens demanded ere a god was allowed to interfere in the plot of a tragedy; which too many who call themselves Christians demand before the living God is allowed to interfere in that world in which without Him not a sparrow falls to the ground.

In the gold was set an onyx, graven with the monogram of Christ, a wreath, and the motto, 'Vivas in Deo. Marcus knelt, and pressed the seal to his forehead, murmuring ecstatically: 'The ring of a blessed martyr! 'I am all unworthy to wear it, said Basil, sincerely hesitating to replace it on his finger. 'Indeed, I will not do so until I have spoken with the holy father.

Now all is established concerning the time and the place and those who saw; and it will not be questioned by any save the very ignorant who are not considered in the telling of tales. So in the day of Neela Deo, most exalted King of all elephants, came a runner at the end of his last strength.

What am I? The humble interpreter of a single line left to us by the greatest of the Apostles a single line out of thousands all equally full of light. Before us, Saint Paul said, 'In Deo vivimus movemur et sumus. In our day, less believing and more learned, or better instructed and more sceptical, we should ask the Apostle, 'To what end this perpetual motion?

Did I understand thee aright in inferring that General Washington so far forgot himself as to use profane language?" asked Mrs. Meredith as they walked. "Ay, Laus Deo!" "I can't think of him as doing that," ejaculated Janice. "'T was glorious to hear him, for he spoke with righteous anger as an angel from heaven might, and his every word was well deserved.

Yet a great painted desk in the room contained, amid many flourishes, the names and character of the host and hostess, as follows: "Andres Svennogsen Bamble, and Ragnil Thorkilsdatter Bamble, Which These Two Are Respectable People." Over the cupboard, studded with earthen-ware dishes, was an inscription in misspelt Latin: "Solli Deo Glorria."

It seemed to her that the pale one had been playing before he engaged with Neela Deo. But he did not play any more. He manoeuvred so fast that his body appeared to glance in and out. But Neela Deo foiled him with still greater speed. Her eye could not follow all the maze, the glamour, the incredible spectacle.

The sultan was successful in the others; and in the last, the eldest son of Deo Roy was killed by a spear thrown at him by Khan Zummaun, which event struck the Hindoos with a panic, and they fled with the greatest precipitation into the fortress of Mudkul." Two chief Muhammadan officers, in the ardour of pursuit, entered the city with the fugitives, and were captured by the Hindus.

As he was attending the funeral in the Catholic burial-place, and stood with his wife and children listening to the service which the priest was reading, his heart filled with grief and his eyes moist with tears, the inscription on a gravestone just before him happened to attract his attention. It was this: "Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

At the foot of the large crucifix, which occupied a somewhat shadowy corner, lay a wreath of magnificent crimson roses. It would seem as though some high festival were about to be celebrated, and I gazed around me with a beating heart, half expecting some invisible touch to awaken the notes of the organ and a chorus of spirit-voices to respond with the "Gloria in excelsis Deo!"