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"Say, Mac," interrupted Trina, looking up from the notice, "DIDN'T you ever go to a dental college?" "Huh? What? What?" exclaimed McTeague. "How did you learn to be a dentist? Did you go to a college?" "I went along with a fellow who came to the mine once. My mother sent me. We used to go from one camp to another.

In a locker at the Ohio Dental College Jackson's individual locker were found by the police a pair of trousers. Upon the knees were dried mud and blood, and upon the legs were other blood stains. Jackson and Walling each claim the trousers belong to the other. Mayor Caldwell and Col.

The letter or rather printed notice informed McTeague that he had never received a diploma from a dental college, and that in consequence he was forbidden to practise his profession any longer. A legal extract bearing upon the case was attached in small type. "Why, what's all this?" said Trina, calmly, without thought as yet. "I don' know, I don' know," answered her husband.

Here, however, we find that practically all our dental manipulations, the filling of teeth, artificial dentures, even orthodontia, were anticipated by the dentists of the Middle Ages.

"They don't know how good a dentist you are. What difference does a diploma make, if you're a first-class dentist? I guess that's all right. Mac, didn't you ever go to a dental college?" "No," answered McTeague, doggedly. "What was the good? I learned how to operate; wa'n't that enough?" "Hark," said Trina, suddenly. "Wasn't that the bell of your office?"

After supper they became a little, but not much, more sociable, for, although Nigel's active mind would gladly have found vent in conversation, he experienced some difficulty in making headway against the discouragement of Van der Kemp's very quiet disposition, and the cavernous yawns with which Moses displayed at once his desire for slumber and his magnificent dental arrangements.

But here it might be argued, on the other hand, that the spheroidal Echinoids, in reality, depart further from the general plan and from the embryonic form than the elongated Spatangoids do; and that the peculiar dental apparatus and the pedicellariæ of the former are marks of at least as great differentiation as the petaloid ambulacra and semitæ of the latter.

However, it was not so much her jewelry that proved such a fascinating sight as it was her pleasing habit of fetching out a gold-mounted toothpick and exploring the most remote and intricate dental recesses of herself in full view of the entire dining room, meanwhile making a noise like somebody sicking a dog on. The Europeans have developed public toothpicking beyond anything we know.

Hyaenas have the same dental formula as cats, but their teeth are enormously strong and massive, in relation to their function of crushing bone. No carnivore has teeth so admirably adapted to a diet of flesh as the cat, and, in fact, it may be doubted if among all mammals, it has a superior in structural fitness to its life habits in general.

But I could not force it open; and in my tremor, it slipped from my hands, and fell heavily, and burst into pieces; and from it, with a rattling sound, there rolled out some instruments of dental surgery, intermingled with thirty-two small, white and ivory-looking substances that were scattered to and fro about the floor. Sub conservatione formae specificae salva anima. Raymond Lully.