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'What what what? cried Georgina, passionately; 'what can the most ill-natured, the most censorious, accuse me of? 'It is not merely the ill-natured, said Theodora. 'I know very well that you mean no harm; but you certainly have an air of trying to attract attention. 'Well, and who does not? Some do so more demurely and hypocritically than others; but what else does any one go into company for?

"Say, Miss Mary," whispered Jupp, taking advantage of the opportunity while Mr Vernon's back was turned. "What?" she asked, looking up into his face demurely. "This ought to be passed round." "Go 'long!" she replied; but, she didn't budge an inch when Jupp put his arm round her, and nobody knows what happened before Mr Vernon had composed himself and turned round again!

Now, although the house was so big, there was allotted to it only a small square of garden; a garden exquisitely kept and fostered; a garden to smell the roses in, blushing on their neat rows of standards; to walk in, holding father's or mother's hand; even, wondrous treat! to take our tea in, sometimes, sitting demurely, we two, with a couple of dolls and a few lead soldiers from Willy's last new box for company, at the little round table whose root was buried deep in the ground beneath the red may-tree.

"You know, Rupe," continued Mr. Ford demurely, "she must show SOME reserve before company like to-day. It won't do to make a scandal." Rupert maintained an indignant silence. Only for a moment; the dark eyes clouded again. "I wish I was dead, Mr. Ford." "Hallo!" "Or doin' suthin'." "That's better. What do you want to do?" "To work make a livin' myself.

Such being my character from birth, a paper-gossip, a writer from the cradle, I ought not demurely to apologize for nature's handicraft, nor excuse this light affliction of chattering in print. Who asks you to read it?

But Felice hadn't minded, she had inscribed a card, on which in her spidery slanting scrawl was written, "By gad!" he breathed, grinning, "she's coming on!" He didn't protest at Dulcie's demurely calling him "The Rumor," not even when she added, "Because as a lawyer, you're a false alarm." He took his humble part in the gigantic house-cleaning.

Because you knew what I wanted to say to you! Because you KNOW confound that butler! He's everywhere at once! Patty, come in the drawing-room." "Jane's in there," said Patty, demurely, and smiling up at Bill from under her long lashes. "Well, come, oh, come anywhere, where I can speak to you alone a minute!" "Just one minute," said Patty, "no more!" "All right, but where can we go?"

"It shall be as you wish," she said, demurely; "if you, who are known in Naples as one who is perfectly indifferent to women like now to figure as an impatient lover. I shall not object!" And she gave me a quick glance of mischievous amusement from under the languid lids of her dreamy dark eyes.

The blood of her mother was beginning to boil over, and the old-maid regime, which had crushed the life out of the Frenchwoman, was suffocating the Manx girl with its formalism. She was always forgetting the meal times regulated by the sun, and she could sleep at any time and keep awake until any hour. It tired her to sit demurely like a young lady, and she had a trick of lying down on the floor.

The fair lass, who had watched the viscount all this time as demurely as a cat cream, now approached him. This young woman was the thinker; her voice was also rich, full, and melodious, and her manner very engaging; it was half advancing, half retiring, not easy to resist or to describe. "Noo," said she, with a very slight blush stealing across her face, "ye maun let me catecheeze ye, wull ye?"