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Demaratus's defense of the Spartans. They are governed by law. Xerxes resumes his march. Division of the army. The Strymon. Human sacrifices. Arrival at the canal. Death of the engineer. Burial of the engineer. A grand feast. Scene of revelry. Desolation and depopulation of the country.

The ideas which Demaratus thus appeared to entertain of danger to the countless and formidable hosts of Xerxes's army, from so small and insignificant a power as that of Sparta, seemed to Xerxes too absurd to awaken any serious displeasure in his mind. He only smiled, therefore, at Demaratus's fears, and dismissed him.

Her abilities. Number of vessels in the fleet. Demaratus the Greek. Story of Demaratus. Childhood of his mother. The change. Ariston, king of Sparta. The agreement. Birth of Demaratus. Demaratus disowned. His flight. Question of Xerxes. Perplexity of Demaratus. Demaratus describes the Spartans. Surprise of Xerxes. Reply of Xerxes. His displeasure. Demaratus's apology. His gratitude to Darius.

It would leave the fleet, he told the king, a miserable remnant, not superior to that of the enemy, for they had already lost four hundred ships by storms. He thought it infinitely preferable that the fleet and the army should advance together, the one by sea and the other on the land, and complete their conquests as they went along. He advised the king, too, to beware of Demaratus's advice.