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Delaport Green; "the round towers, you know. Round towers go back to almost any date." Molly was dissatisfied. "You don't know what reign it was built in?" "Some time soon after the Conqueror; I think Tim did tell me all about it. He looked it up in some book last night."

August and September had been two of the healthiest and most normal months that Molly had ever spent or was likely ever to spend again. The weeks between the rupture with the Delaport Greens and the journey to Switzerland had been trying, although it was undoubtedly much pleasanter to be Mrs. Carteret's guest than it had ever been to be a permanent inmate of her house. Molly thought Mrs.

Delaport Green was sentimentalising over some disappointment she was suffering under acutely with regard to the popular preacher, and had felt her motive to be curiosity to gain information from himself on some point of which he knew nothing. But if he had been more attentive he might have gained enough information to make him hesitate to involve poor Mark in Molly's affairs.

"My opinion is that doing good works means to bustle about trying to get as much of other people's money to give away as you can, without giving any yourself." Edmund did not like to suggest that this opinion might be the result of special experiences gained while living in the house of Mrs. Delaport Green.

As she answered in the negative he murmured as he sat down: "Mrs. Delaport Green is not down?" "She has a furious toothache." Molly's look answered his. "I suppose there is no such thing as a dentist left in London on Easter Monday?" No more was safe just then; but by common consent they moved out on to the terrace as soon as they had finished breakfast.

By calm and tranquil questions she elicited the fact that Mrs. Delaport Green had visited the settlement once during the winter. "She comes as a sunbeam," said the resident with obviously genuine admiration, "and, of course, with all the claims on her time, and her anxiety as to her husband's health, we don't wish her to come often. She is just the inspiration we want."

Delaport Green might be outside the circle in which Lady Groombridge disported herself with more dignity than gaiety, but she had the entrée to some houses almost as good, if not as exclusive, and she had also a large number of acquaintances who entertained systematically and extravagantly.

"What is your name?" thundered the General, striking the table with his fist. "I surrendered to you General," replied Boyton, "my name is Delaport." "You were in the torpedo service?" "Possibly; I held a commission from Don Nicholas de Pierola." "But your name is Boyton and no one by that name held a commission."

I think I must call her Molly at once," and the little round eyes looked wistful and kindly. Sir Edmund was able from this to conclude rightly that Mrs. Delaport Green was not aware of the existence of Madame Danterre, and would have no suspicions as to the sources of the fortune that supplied Molly's large allowance.

Mrs. Delaport Green gave a little sigh. "I must order the motor. The dear thing needn't have come your very first night, need she? It makes me miserable to leave you, but I was engaged to this dinner before I knew that you existed even! Isn't it odd to think of that?" Her voice was full of feeling. "And you must be longing to go to your room.