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By half-past eight the afternoon seemed well advanced, and when dejeuner made its appearance at the hotel it seemed as though the day would never cease. I had by this time seen several more churches and interesting old buildings, and my whole senses had become so jaded that I would scarcely have moved a yard to have seen the finest piece of architecture in the whole of Normandy.

On the General mentioning magistrate Amadieu, Eve declared that she no longer dared to invite him to /dejeuner/, knowing how busy he was at the Palace of Justice. Still, she certainly hoped that he would come to the bazaar and contribute something.

I wondered where the butler had found flowers and fruit and ecrevisses. Mademoiselle and I ate with an astounding appetite; but Auber, who had not eaten a dejeuner for thirty years, contented himself with talking. And talk he did, like a person hungry and thirsty to talk. He told us about Scribe, for whom he had an unlimited admiration.

By that time I shall have become a harmless lunatic, and people will treat my babblings with indulgent forbearance, when I go from house to house begging to be supplied with a pack-mule or a pack-donkey." At déjeuner, in a garden which was a successful imitation of Eden, the situation did not, however, look so dark.

One-half of its interior was partitioned off and filled with long tables, at which, earlier in the day, workmen were served with déjeuner, while the other and smaller portion, reserved for more fastidious guests, was fitted with a counter, ranged with fruit and cakes, and with half a dozen round marble-topped tables, provided with chairs.

Yesterday those tiresome girls came to déjeûner, and to-day we go to pay another visit of ceremony at the Tournelles', to thank them for our nice trip. I shall be glad to see them again after looking at Godmamma for two whole days. The evenings are awful. Although it is so warm no one thinks of walking in the garden, or even sitting out on the perron.

During dejeuner, in order to explain the frightful discomfort into which he was thrown by the gaiety of the meal, he had been obliged to say that he felt poorly. And now he was looking and listening and waiting with ever-growing anxiety. Shortly before three o'clock, Guillaume glanced at his watch and then quietly took up his hat. "Well," said he, "I'm going out."

Jacques, coming in to lay the table for déjeuner, glanced across the hall and whispered to Esther. "That capitaine will stay for déjeuner. It is good I have a ragoût to-day, there will be assez for three. I need only to put another egg in the omelette." He laid three places, then from the recess at the bottom of the sideboard he produced a cocktail shaker and a variety of bottles.

"Maybe the lady had so many to help that she forgot to ask her. Couldn't she ask herself? It would have been more friendly than grumbling behind her back," said Pixie severely. "When I go out to meals with people I make myself at home. I went to dejeuner with some friends in Paris, and I was so much at home that when they had cabbage, I remarked that I wished it had been cauliflower.

The magistrate experienced the truth of the saying keenly, in so far as one may place among forbidden fruit the déjeuner of which a man partakes in the house of a godless fellow, destroying his appetite for the ensuing dinner to which he is invited by a pious man.