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It was apparent to her that his condescension was a marvel. He could appear to strut even while sitting still and he showed that he was a lion of lordly characteristics by the air with which he spat. With Maggie gazing at him wonderingly, he took pride in commanding the waiters who were, however, indifferent or deaf. "Hi, you, git a russle on yehs! What deh hell yehs lookin' at?

The Afghans streaming down from the heights toward the city were being lacerated by shell fire and musketry fire as they descended. When they took refuge in Deh Afghan that suburb was heavily shelled, and it was gradually evacuated.

Jimmie and his companion kept their eyes upon the bartender and conversed loudly in tones of contempt. "He's a dindy masher, ain't he, by Gawd?" laughed Jimmie. "Oh, hell, yes," said the companion, sneering widely. "He's great, he is. Git onto deh mug on deh blokie. Dat's enough to make a feller turn hand-springs in 'is sleep."

I'm a scrapper, I am. Ain't dat right, Billie?" "Sure, Mike," responded his companion in tones of conviction. "Oh, hell," said Pete, easily. "Go fall on yerself." The two men again began to laugh. "What deh hell is dat talkin'?" cried the companion. "Damned if I knows," replied Jimmie with exaggerated contempt. Pete made a furious gesture. "Git outa here now, an' don' make no trouble. See?

I've been getting confused lately; I don't seem to keep a direction like I could. From Don Giovanni: 'Deh vieni alla finestra' 'Come to the window' 's about it. I'm glad you're not a tenor; they're delicate and mean. But you are a fine boy, Harry; you'll take the old man up along with you!" He talked in a rapid faint voice, like his breathing.

The stove had been disturbed on its legs, and now leaned idiotically to one side. A pail had been upset and water spread in all directions. The door opened and Pete appeared. He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, Gawd," he observed. He walked over to Maggie and whispered in her ear. "Ah, what deh hell, Mag? Come ahn and we'll have a hell of a time."

'Oh, gee, I says, 'oh, gee, go teh hell and git off deh eart', I says, like dat. See? 'Go teh hell an' git off deh eart', like dat. Den deh blokie he got wild. He says I was a contempt'ble scoun'el, er somet'ing like dat, an' he says I was doom' teh everlastin' pe'dition an' all like dat. 'Gee, I says, 'gee! Deh hell I am, I says. 'Deh hell I am, like dat. An' den I slugged 'im. See?"

"Keep back, now! Don' crowd me," ominously said Pete. Again they chorused in contempt. "Oh, hell!" In a small, tossing group, the three men edged for positions like frigates contemplating battle. "Well, why deh hell don' yeh try teh t'row us out?" cried Jimmie and his ally with copious sneers. The bravery of bull-dogs sat upon the faces of the men. Their clenched fists moved like eager weapons.

We were told that our execution was only postponed till the next day, in order that we might be tortured until the time came for us to be put to death. A number of Lamas and soldiers stood round jeering at us. I seized this opportunity to hail a swaggering Lama and ask him for some refreshment. "Orcheh, orcheh nga dappa tugu duh, chuen deh, dang, yak, guram, tcha, tsamba pin!"

The babe was staring out from under the table, his small face working in his excitement. The ragged girl went stealthily over to the corner where the urchin lay. "Are yehs hurted much, Jimmie?" she whispered timidly. "Not a damn bit! See?" growled the little boy. "Will I wash deh blood?" "Naw!" "Will I " "When I catch dat Riley kid I'll break 'is face! Dat's right! See?"